b'Its Time to Check YourSHAWN BROOKPRESIDENT, SEED WORLD GROUPProcessing Line for Problems sbrook@seedworldgroup.comseedworldgroup.com@SeedWorldGroupA FEW YEARS AGO,I got a call totheres time in the schedule.visit a plant because their machineUse lists: We can provide was making a strange noise.checklists specific to the individual As soon as I arrived, I couldmachines. If we sold the machine,Is it Soccer or Football?hear the machine pounding fromwe supply a detailed list of items to the parking lot. We found thatlook at.two small clamps, which usuallyDo on-site inspections: ForTHIS QUESTION IS CONSIDEREDabsolute blasphemy hold the ball trays in place, werethose who want additional sup- by the majority of the world, but not to everyone. missing. These parts cost less thanport, my team can go on-site toIt is the same situation when we are sharing any $100. conduct maintenance inspectionsmessage with a large, diversified audiencewhat is Sadly, the issue had been goingand help you avoid issues. Wevethe RIGHT way to tell your story? The answer is it on long enough that the missingalso integrated this process withdepends on who you want to hear it! clamps had caused significantcustomer training. Our team canI work with a lot of companies that are expanding damage. They had destroyed threework alongside your people duringwith either new products or into new geographies and ball trays and, from the banginginspections, turning it into a train- nothing creates more learning opportunities (the back and forth, had dug a grooveing session.positive way of saying, places to make mistakes) than into the wood at the front of theThis way, next time, your teamthinking that the entire world thinks, listens, decides cleaner. This ended up costing thecan be self-sufficient and wontand buys the same way you do. plant vastly more in repair costs inneed us to come out. Crafting a story with the listener in mind is criti-comparison to a proactive mainte- When is the right time tocal to creating their listening. What is important to nance program, plus two days oftotally replace an older piece ofthem? What problem did they wake up with this unplanned downtime.equipment? You should considermorning that you would like to discuss with them? This is a perfect example of thereplacing equipment when timesWhat cultural norms dictate how the majority old saying a stitch in time savesare good and you can afford it,of your audience in a specific geography will listen nine. Taking care of issues imme- rather than waiting until its wornto what you have to say? The good news is that you diately, even when you dont knowout and causing trouble. absolutely do NOT need to get this perfect because exactly what they are, is crucial. Taking care of issues imme- there is no such thing as a singular perfect message for Of course, preventative mainte- diately, even when you donteveryone. nance is always best. Dont wait forknow exactly what they are, is theI recently was on a call with a client who was dis-noises or obvious signs of trouble.bestand Id argue the only appointed with their website performance and wanted We know that over time, partsapproach to take. to understand why. We completed an audit and in of any equipment will eventuallyreviewing the results discovered they were on target fail. Preventive maintenance helpsfor their audience in Western Europe but the audi-us avoid unexpected breakdownsence that they were looking for in Eastern Europe was and the costly repairs and down- way off. The obvious issue was that they were using time that come with them. the same content and format for what we have come The checklist for preventiveto learn is a very different audience with different maintenance is simple: expectations. Be proactive: This meansWhat was interesting is they made similar tweaks checking the equipment whento the Western European countries sites as well and things arent broken and whensaw an almost doubling of traffic and engagement on those sites. Connecting with your audience in the way that they want to be connected with is Marketing 101, but sometimes we must be reminded that our GARRY HAMILTON target audience does not wake up in the morning TECHNICAL SERVICES MANAGER, hoping to find youthey wake up with their issues NEXEED and their problems needing to be solved. ghamilton@nexeed.ca So, before you push it out into the world, I ask you nexeed.ca to think about how your audience wants to hear the@NexeedInc information that you want to share with them. Youll see a massive difference in the results!18 SEEDWORLD.COM/CANADA JULY 2024'