b'the emphasis on reduced herbicide andbecome even more significant, especially nitrogen use. in mitigating the impacts of climate vari-Currently, yield remains a primaryability, Piecharka adds.driver for farmers, but theres an ongo-ing effort to tap into untapped markets,New Partnership to Expand Availability providing farmers with a more lucrativeof Hybrid Ryecash crop alternative, he says. KWSs initiative to oversee its own seed Moreover, factors like drought andproduction and distribution to farmers climate change are reshaping the agri- has given way to FP Genetics intro-cultural landscape, potentially favour- duction of new varieties sourced from ing winter cereals like rye, particularlyGermanys Saaten-Union.in regions prone to harsh winters andRecently, FP Genetics and SeedNet shorter growing seasons. have collaborated to offer these Saaten- While Nathan Penner of FP Genetics doesnt Last years drought in the West high- Union varieties to Canadian farmers. foresee exponential growth for the crop in the lighted ryes resilience, outperformingId describe the growth of hybridnear term, he believes the companys focus on fostering sustainable growth for hybrid rye spring cereals in challenging conditions.rye as steady. Its important for a smalleraligns well with the markets demands and the As the climate changes, ryes role couldcrop like this not to experience explo- needs of farmers.CFARMS_24-010_East_Potatoes_Germination_8-5x6-58_Ev2.pdf 1 2024-02-16 3:02 PMGot empty seed and pesticide bags? Start returning them May 1.Cleanfarms collection program helps producers manageCLEANFARMS ALSO COLLECTS OTHER EMPTY AG PLASTICS empty agricultural small and large bulk bags.FOR RECYCLING AND SAFE DISPOSAL. CHECK FOR PROVINCIAL DETAILS.TAKE THEM BACK TO YOUR AG RETAILER FOR SAFE DISPOSAL BEGINNING MAY 1.Get free Cleanfarms collection bags from ag retailers. LEARN MOREPlace small empty bags into collection bags; to avoid dust, dont shake; tie bags.Flatten & fold large bulk bags (100kg) into bundles of 5 or 6. Tie with twine.Return full collection bags and bundles to ag retailers.In PEI only, empty fertilizer bags are accepted at designated collection sites. info@cleanfarms.caThank you for helping to keep empty ag bags out of landll and the environment. @cleanfarmsFind a collection location near you at csmap.cleanfarms.caJULY 2024 SEEDWORLD.COM/CANADA 27'