b'Barley breeding remains a key aspectListening attentively and seekingdevelopmentand WCI is part of that.of our program, and we intend to explorefeedback are important. This includesIn considering our approach, were the balance between malt and feed barleyengaging with the talented staff who havegoing to draw insights from various varieties in response to stakeholder feed- been integral to the success of the Fieldjurisdictions. Some rely solely on post-back, Lenz says. Crop Development Centre. secondary institutions for research, while At the end of May, WCI announcedothers place the responsibility entirely Creating a New Organization staff had received new employmenton government. However, our aim is dif-Turning the Field Crop Developmentcontracts, except for Agblor, as the WCIferent. We envision a collaborative effort Centre into Western Crop Innovationsprogram director position has beenthat blends the strengths of both sectors has been no minor task. Conrad waseliminated. WCI operations are beingas well as industry expertise and sup-involved from the beginning, havingmoved out of Olds College and back toport, Sigurdson says.become acquainted with then-FCDCits Lacombe headquarters, Olson said. Thats the reasoning behind allocated Program Director Kofi Agblor. After serving as managing directorfunding for a one-year period, he adds Late last year, Olds College issuedof the Crop Development Centre at the to facilitate these conversations and notice that it was unable to secure longerUniversity of Saskatchewan from 2012- ensure things are done right. Funding of term program funding for FCDC. A2019, Agblor moved to the FCDC in$3.5 million is being provided to the new plan was needed to figure out the road2022 after it came under the umbrella oforganization comprised of $1.2 million ahead. Olds College.from Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation, FCDC celebrated 50 years in 2023.$2 million from RDAR, and the balance Thanks to the skills and efforts of FCDCfrom industry partners.staff over the years, innovation in barleyBut long-term funding will be and crop breeding has a strong historyneeded. When the FCDC moved to Olds in Alberta; closing down the centreCollege in 2021, it implemented a strate-was something nobody wanted to see,gic plan and a science plan that outlines Conrad says. the methodology to achieve the goals set This past January, representativesout in the strategic plan.from government, producer commis- Did You Know? WCI Business Development Officer sions, and agricultural producer groupsWestern Crop Innovations housesErin Collier told Seed World Canada atspecifically from the crops andCanadas only active breedinglast summers AgSmart event that since livestock sector, academia, malting, andprogram for triticale.plant breeding is a long-term endeavour, seed industriesmet to discuss theand the varieties the program is working future of FCDC. All stakeholders agreedon today wont be available for licensing that the FCDC must continue, but thefor almost a decade, long-term planning focus and priorities of the centre need tois vital for the survival of the facility.be revamped. Were determined to establish FCDC as a center of excellence for barley The Right Mindset and triticale breeding. Were striving to Conrad isnt new to agriculture. Hehave FCDC varieties grown on most grew up on a farm. Despite spendingAs WCI moves forward, everyonebarley acres in Western Canada, she said his career in the militaryhe spentwho comes to the table will have to haveat the time.over three decades in the army and hasa good understanding of how to craft aThe seed industry is already show-authored a number of books and articlesholistic vision that emphasises the facil- ing its support for the facility. WCI on Canadas involvement in Afghanistanitys strong points and can position it forannounced at the beginning of June thatagriculture was never far from histhe future, Agblor says. its struck a transitional support agree-thoughts. Thankfully, WCI has a terrific staffment with SeedNet.When it became clear in 2023 thatthat understands how to do this and whoSeedNet has a long-standing positive a path forward was needed to ensure thewill help everyone at that table navigaterelationship with the team at WCI. We future of this facility, I was happy to helpthe road ahead. believe it is vital for the entire industry, with the project, he says. from producer to end user, to be involved But success isnt just about havingGetting it Right in creating a sustainable model for the right people in place; its also aboutAccording to Alberta Agricultureprograms like these, SeedNet General adopting the right mindset, ConradMinister R.J. Sigurdson, the provinceManager Jeff Jackson said in a news notes. needs a sustainable structure for croprelease. JULY 2024 SEEDWORLD.COM/CANADA 17'