b'THERES A REVOLUTION GOING ON IN THE HYBRID RYE SPACESeed production is in flux, with KWS taking charge of its own production and distribution to farmers, while FP Genetics brings in fresh varieties from Saaten-Union.Marc ZienkiewiczKENNY PIECHARKA RECENTLY took over as country lead for KWS Seeds Canada at an exciting time for the crop the com-pany specializes in: hybrid fall rye.Over the past decade, hybrid fall rye has made significant strides in Canada, particularly in Western Canada.Hybrid rye varieties have captured approximately half of Western Canadas rye acreage in the last decade. This adop-tion has been driven by their superior performance, especially under favourable growing conditions.These European-based hybrid varie-ties have delivered a remarkable yield increase of more than 20% compared to open-pollinated varieties. In optimal conditions, hybrid fall rye has become a game-changer for farmers, providing higher productivity, Piecharka says.This success has paved the way for us to introduce technology that deliv-ers tangible returns on investment for farmers here in Canada, says Piecharka, who takes over as KWS country lead for Herman Wehrle. Hybrid rye results from controlled crossbreeding between two distinct parent lines.At the same time, factors like reduced inputs and time savings furtherin Germany in 1986. Recognizing theAmerica, leaving ample room for KWS enhance its appeal, offering farmerscrops long growing season and efficienthybrids to expand their footprint.improved efficiency and performance. use of nutrients and water, KWS part- As a feed crop, rye offers notable Unlike open-pollinated rye, hybridnered with FP Genetics to bring thesehealth benefits, especially in swine, a fact rye results from controlled crossbreed- hybrids to Canada in 2014. well-recognized in Europe where 60% ing between two distinct parent lines.In 2015, support for the full registra- of the grain serves the swine market. This deliberate hybridization introducestion of Brasetto and Guttino for WesternHowever, in Canada, were just beginning genetic diversity and enhances desirableCanada was established, along with theto scratch the surface of this potential, traits. interim registration of KWS Bono. ThisPiecharka says.Hybrid rye was first introduced tomarked a significant step in makingThe growth trajectory could be Canadian farmers around 10 years agohybrid rye a viable option for Canadiansignificant, potentially increasing from and was brought to Western Canada onfarmers. less than one to as much as three per a trial basis. It was immediately success- Theres substantial growth poten- cent of total acreage. Additionally, the ful, showing a major yield increase overtial ahead, particularly for hybrid ryesustainability advantages rye brings are conventional rye. to claim a larger share of the market.increasingly valued; in Europe its the The development of hybrid ryeCurrently, open pollinated rye domi- sole cereal seeing acreage growth. Canada varieties was pioneered by KWS Cerealsnates two-thirds of the acreage in Northmay follow suit, he adds, especially with 26 SEEDWORLD.COM/CANADA JULY 2024'