b'ARE WE READY TO MEET THE FUTURE? / SEEDS-CANADA.CA / SEEDS CANADAAS WE GATHER IN EDMONTON, WERE ABOUTTO TACKLE A CRUCIAL QUESTIONTHE FUTURE OFseed is hereare we ready? Well open our conference with Andy LaVigne, I ask that question not only because Im interestedpresident and CEO of the American Seed Trade in the answer, but also because its a fundamentalAssociation, who has over 25 years of experience. His one well be addressing at our annual conference inexpertise spans not only nationally in the U.S. but also Edmonton, Alta., July 8-10. across North America and globally. During his expan-Its the theme of our meeting, and one born out ofsive career, hes seen a lot and understands the intrica-necessity. Our industry is at a tipping point, and itscies of the interconnected nature of the industry. crucial to find out were ready for the future. If wereHes exactly the kind of person we want to hear ready, how do we ensure success? And if were not,from as he highlights the critical role of innovative how do we prepare ourselves? research and practice in shaping a more sustainable By Lorne Hadley,The Seeds Canada meeting is an opportunity toand productive future. Participants will be encour-Director ofcome together and answer these important questions. aged to rethink traditional approaches and embrace Member Relations,The challenge we face in our industry is that wethe transformative potential of seed innovation to Seeds Canada often talk about the various aspects of the industrybuild a better, more sustainable future for generations as separate entities. We tend to dissect regulations,to come. technological advancements, market access issues,As we dive deeper into the agenda, we will also and so forth, as if theyre isolated components. Butbe focusing on the establishment of an independent the reality is, everything is in a state of flux.Inclusive Seed Standards Body (ISSB). We will pre-Change is occurring in every facet of seed devel- sent a progress report on the ISSB development, first opment, production and marketing. So, instead ofannounced in 2022. looking at these elements in isolation, we need to lookThe independent consultant will present on at the interconnectedness, the holistic picture of howkey areas of the report, such as a review of existing they all fit together. advisory bodies and their effectiveness and interviews The primary aim is to shed light on the multitudewith a wide range of stakeholders in the seed sector. of changes that are taking place; not just one aspectWe will outline a comprehensive mandate, scope, like regulation or gene editing, but to understandrepresentation, and a structure and governance model how all these changes are intertwined. We want tofor establishing an ISSB.emphasize that our progress will only be as fast asWell tackle policy, politics, and of course, the slowest adoption within this complex ecosystem.have an important discussion on Seed Regulatory From the integration of artificial intelligence to geneModernization. editing in breeding, from the use of drones for cropWell also devote time for member feedback and analysis to addressing market access issues, its all partreaction sessions, ensuring that our members voices of the evolving seed landscape. are heard and questions addressed. This will also At the heart of our meeting design is memberinclude input from non-members who continue to be engagement. Sure, we have expert speakers lined uppivotal to our discussions.to provide insights, but the real essence lies in mem- And lets not forget about our annual general bers sharing their experiences and knowledge withmeeting, where members have a direct say in the each other. Whether its through panel discussionsdirection of the organization through elections and or informal conversations during coffee breaks, thediscussions on key matters. Its all about empowering goal is to foster an environment where everyone leavesour members to shape the future of our industry.feeling informed and energized. With a diverse range of topics and perspectives, Weve carefully curated our agenda to ensure thatwe aim to make this conference the go-to platform each session builds upon this theme of collaborationfor anyone invested in the seed industry. Our goal is and continuous learning. From discussing emergingsimple: to create an environment where learning never issues to reflecting on past successes and challenges,stops and connections really do flourish.every segment serves to enrich our collective under- So, are we ready to meet the future? Lets talk standing and drive the industry forward. about it! See you in Edmonton. JULY 2024 SEEDWORLD.COM/CANADA 29'