b'CFIA CONFIRMS GENE EDITED PLANTS IN LIVESTOCK FEED ARE SAFE, INDUSTRY APPLAUDS THE MOVEMarc ZienkiewiczTHE SEED INDUSTRY is applauding the Canadian Foodfeed. With that clarified, we can return to focusing on what is Inspection Agency (CFIA) for issuing its recent guidance thatrequired when a pre-market assessment is needed. Now that confirms that gene edited plants are safe for use in livestockwe know when we need to engage with the government for feed. The new guidance lays out when a pre-market assessmenta review, we can get back to the core work of navigating that is needed in novel feeds derived from plant sources. process.In May, the CFIA released an appendix to its GuidelinesLauren Comin, policy director for Seeds Canada, says for the assessment of novel feeds: Plant sources document onalthough its unlikely the new guidance will lead to an immedi-its website. The appendix, titled Guidance on how to deter- ate surge in gene edited crop development, it will be indispensa-mine when a plant-derived ingredient requires a feed pre- ble down the road as Canadas gene editing landscape evolves. market evaluation, clarifies what plant-derived feed ingredientsIn agriculture, we always aim to be as efficient as possible require a pre-market evaluation, as per the Feeds Act and Feeds thats crucial for sustainability. I think were going to see Regulations, including how to make a novelty determination ofgene editing emerge first in crops where were already familiar ingredients derived through plant breeding techniques destinedwith transgenics. Even if these crops arent traditionally grown for use in livestock feeds. for feed, there are byproducts that end up in the feed market, The CFIAs opinion of the scientific literature is thatshe says. gene editing technologies do not pose unique risks of harmFor example, in the case of canola or soy, the meal left to human or animal health or the environment compared toafter oil extraction often ends up as feed. So, this guidance other plant breeding technologies. As a result, feed ingredientsand clarity are important. Of course, when you plant any crop, derived from gene-edited plants are regulated like all otheryou cant guarantee where it will end up. Feed is an important products of plant breeding under the Feeds Act and Feedsmarket opportunity to have available.Regulations, with regulation based on the traits or characteris- Affleck adds theres more our industry can do to establish tics of the product, regardless of its development method, theCanada as a leader in an innovative and predictable regulatory guidance states. environment for technologies that require regulatory assess-The new guidance concerning livestock feed follows guid- ments. ance issued last year, when CFIA confirmed that new plantIts kind of back to the meat and potatoes of our work varieties and products for human consumption developednow, he adds. through gene editing will not face additional regulatory hurdles so long as they dont contain foreign DNA and dont express a commercially viable herbicide tolerance trait. To read the updated guidance visit seedworld.com/feed-guidanceAccording to Ian Affleck, vice-president biotechnology for CropLife Canada, plant breeders now have the clarity they need to begin developing gene edited products for Canada and bring them to market.This guidance will create a lot of opportunities for assisting plant breeders in their ongoing work across a wide variety of crops. Weve seen advancements with GM technology in core crops like corn, soybeans and canola. Now, this opens opportunities for other crops, such as pulses, oats and barley, to address the challenges they face in their agri-cultural systems, Affleck says. Weve been concentrat- The CFIAs new guidance clarifies what plant-derived feed ing for years on the question ofingredients require a pre-market evaluation, as per the Feeds when a pre-market assessmentAct and Feeds Regulations, including how to make a novelty is required when it comes todetermination of ingredients derived through plant breeding techniques destined for use in livestock feeds.both human food and livestock JULY 2024 SEEDWORLD.COM/CANADA 33'