b'CSGA / SEEDGROWERS.CA / WELL ALWAYS BE A GRASSROOTS ORGANIZATIONPAVING THE PATH FOR FUTURE SEED LEADERS IVE ALWAYS BELIEVEDin the importance of being a goodwider stakeholder and geographic repre-listener. We have two ears and one mouth for a reasontosentation.listen twice as much as we speak. Sage words from my grand- Additionally, to help achieve our mother. Her advice has stuck with me throughout my life andvision for our next-generation seed system, serves as a constant reminder that listening means genuinelywe need to engage everyone in the seed understanding and empathizing with others.certification value chain. To become The ability to actively listen is essential in leadership. As themore inclusive and open to collaboration, new Canadian Seed Growers Association (CSGA) president, Ithe board is proposing changes to our aim to pave the way for a bright future for our next-generationmembership classes to include affiliate and seed leaders. I want to foster an environment where fellowassociate members alongside our regular By Glenn Logan, board members and other members can cultivate and enhanceseed grower members. CSGA President their leadership skills.My family and I have been in the pedigreed seed business since 1988, growing a diverse range of crops destined for export. We also manage a seed processing plant. Wheatcrest Farms is based in Lomond, Alta., and has been in operation for 116 yearsfounded just four years after CSGA was established. So, with two generations following me on the farm and eager to remain active in this business, Im excited and hon-oured to step up and contribute more to our seed sector. ImCSGA IS POISED TO PLAY A grateful for the support of those around me who have allowed me the time to take on this role. LARGER ROLE IN THE SEED Ive gained considerable experience serving on various boards, including CSGA, the Alberta-British ColumbiaSECTOR THAN EVER BEFORE.Seed Growers Association, the Prairie Grain Development Committee, and the Alberta Barley Commission.Serving as CSGA president comes at a crucial juncture for the association. Ill admit that I was content with serving as a director and sharing my insights that way. However, with our next generation of certified seed growers in mind, I fully embrace this new challenge. CSGA is poised to play a larger role in the seed sector than ever before; we need to prepare capable individuals to eventu- I am genuinely pleased with our ally step into any leadership rolewhether as a CSGA boarddirectionand were doing it as a team. member, committee member or president.CSGA has always been a grassroots As president, I believe in achieving our objectives throughorganization, and that will never change. collaborative teamwork. I recognize that success will come fromWere a bottom-up group because our the combined efforts of the board of directors and membershipmembers drive us forward. rather than solely from my individual efforts. So, in honour of my grandmothers Our executive director, Doug Miller, and Chief Operatingwords, I look forward to listening to all Officer Caroline Lafontaine have injected fresh perspectives,of you. I hope to hear from all our mem-new ideas, and energy into the association. Our board reflectsbers, both existing and new. Together, greater diversity and inclusion, both at the provincial andwe will take our strong foundation and national levels, and we recently opened a call for interest increate a bright future. You can reach me participating in the Regulatory Services Committee to ensureat glogan@seedgrowers.ca. 14 SEEDWORLD.COM/CANADAJULY 2024'