b'Vegetative Filter Strips: A Criticalment in experimental design ensured a Component robust methodology. Our data portal, A major focus of the project was to evalu- accessible to registrants, fosters a contin-ate the efficacy of vegetative filter stripsuous dialogue, with our findings actively in mitigating pesticide runoff. contributing to upcoming revaluations Pesticides can move through soilswith the Pest Management Regulatory and be transported by overland flow, andAgency.we aimed to determine if these chemicalsAs the three-year funding cycle not only remain detectable but also persistconcludes and the final report is expected at levels that pose a risk to aquatic life,soon, Rosaasen says the study serves as Rosaasen says. This included assessinga good news story that can be used by the impact on aquatic invertebrates andpolicymakers to craft sensible policies aquatic plants. to regulate the use of crop protection Over the course of three years, theproducts.project expanded its reach, examin- In all our sampling events across ing wetlands in various eco-regions of21 wetlands, we have yet to detect any Alberta. Researchers ventured from theconcentrations of concern to regulatory southern part of Alberta to the Red Deerbodies. This speaks volumes about the region and, in the final year, exploredstewardship practices of farmers and pes-wetlands around Edmonton, accordingticide applicators, showcasing a commit- Nevin Rosaasen of Alberta Pulse Growers.to Rosaasen. ment to responsible crop protection.This allowed us to study differentWhile the project may have reached vegetation types, ground covers, and theits formal conclusion, Rosaasen empha- Below: The study will provide useful information overall landscape, transforming eachsizes the ongoing need for education andthat the PMRA can consider in a national water wetland into a unique case study. extension efforts. monitoring framework that it is developing in We must ensure that farmers adherecollaboration with partners across the country.Industry Collaboration and Datato labels, implement best practices, and Utilization understand the importance of measures Collaboration with major stakeholders,like vegetative filter strips. This is not including Syngenta, Bayer, and BASF,just about environmental compliance; played a crucial role, Rosaasen adds. its about maintaining a delicate balance Their financial support and involve- between agriculture and conservation. JULY 2024 SEEDWORLD.COM/CANADA 35'