b'sive growth without robust marketingethanol industry for a couple of reasons. strategies in place, as that could lead toFirst, its commodity price aligns favour-undesirable price volatility, says Nathanably, and secondly, its carbon footprint is Penner, director of commercialization forsuperior to other options, he says.FP Genetics. Ryes cultivation requires less water, Over the past decade, weve seennitrogen, and pesticides, resulting in a consistent expansion, with hybrid ryemore favourable carbon equation.capturing up to 50% market shareFor KWS, one of the significant chal-within Canada. This growth trendlenges revolves around the lack of institu-signals farmers genuine interest andtional support typically seen with crops belief in the potential of the product.benefiting from checkoffs and extensive Personally, Im quite optimistic about itspublic backing.future trajectory. As we expand, were also expand-While he doesnt foresee exponentialing our team, focusing particularly on growth in the near term, he believes FPmarket development, with an eye on the Genetics focus on fostering sustainableEuropean feed market. Interestingly, growth aligns well with the marketsin Europe, a substantial 60% of our demands and the needs of farmers. Thehybrid rye finds its way into animal feed, new collaboration with SeedNet wasKenny Piecharka recently took over as countrywhereas in Canada, aside from silage, its announced early in April and will seelead for KWS Seeds Canada. use in feed is relatively minor. Here, the SeedNet focus on delivering seed, whiledistilling and milling sectors hold more FP Genetics takes the lead in marketsway, with livestock feed consumption development. millers and distillers, particularly in thetaking a back seat compared to Europe, In our discussions with SeedNet,United States, as they strive to promotePiecharka says.weve found a wealth of knowledge andtheir products as sustainably produced.With advances in agronomics, Penner expertise in seed production, processing,The qualities of rye as a cover crop, itsis confident hybrid fall rye will enjoy and marketing, areas where they excel.capacity to enhance crop rotation diver- even greater adoption.On the other hand, weve been able tosity for farmers, and its resilience in theHybrid rye offers numerous advan-share insights weve gleaned from ourface of changing climates all bolster itstages for farmers, but meticulous plan-focus on the grain market, while theysustainability profile, Penner notes. ning, attention to detail, and adaptation bring their expertise from the silage side,Traditionally, distillers have facedto local conditions are key to realizing its creating a perfect blend of strengths. Itchallenges with the variability of ryefull potential, he says.allows us to pool our resources and exper- crops they procure. However, hybridWere essentially asking these plants tise to serve farmers better, Penner says. varieties address this concern by aligningto endure Canadian conditions for about Moving forward, FP Genetics willrye closer to the consistency observed11 months, from the time theyre sown to continue to evaluate new hybrid rye vari- in other cereals. The appeal of hybridwhen theyre harvested, he adds.eties through its extensive trial networkvarieties to distillers lies in their abilityIts quite a demand, especially across Western Canada. This isnt justto deliver a consistent crop, reducing theconsidering the variability across Canada limited to hybrid rye; theyre always onneed for adjustments to processes andand the weather conditions each year. the lookout for innovations in wheat,equipment. So, its crucial to have than plan, starting barley, oats, and peas as well, he notes. This trend is gradually broadeningwith the pre-crop. This sets the tone for Our focus remains on bringing new,the farmer base for rye. While there maythe entire crop cycle. superior varieties to market and enhanc- not be a significant expansion in acreage, ing our marketing efforts, not only forthe increased yield from hybrid varieties SeedNet but also for ourselves, with antranslates to more cultivation of high-eye on retail channels. quality rye grain, fostering a burgeoning community of committed rye growers, The Future Piecharka says.Rye, along with its hybrid counterparts,A notable emerging market for us inWatch our video interview with Kenny Piecharka atis garnering significant favour amongCanada is ethanol. Rye fits well into theseedworld.com/kenny-piecharka-interview28 SEEDWORLD.COM/CANADA JULY 2024'