b'Forage varieties consumed locally on farms miss out on this value flow, making it even more crucial that certified seed salesWHAT RETAILERS CAN DO TO HELP include royalties to support breeding programs. Without theseBOLSTER FORAGE SEED DEVELOPMENTfunds, the future of forage seed innovation is at risk, Hyra adds.Plant Breeders Rights (PBR) legislation has been in place for over 30 years, but ongoing education is needed to ensureEducate on Intellectual Property Rightscompliance. Over the past two years, a seed industry campaignRaise awareness about the importance of intellectual property (IP) has aimed to raise awareness through social media, agriculturalrights in forage crops.publications and field signs. Emphasize that forage seed varieties are as sophisticated as This initiative reminds producers that purchasing seed fromother crops and are protected under Plant Breeders Rights (PBR) a neighbor or using common seed might infringe on PBR, espe- legislation.cially if the variety is protected. Inform customers that using uncertified or illegally sourced seeds Education is Key undermines breeding programs and innovation.Understanding how to handle various scenarios involving seedPromote the Sale of Certified Seedpurchasing and usage is essential. Trouble arises when seeds are Encourage producers to purchase certified seed, which supports exchanged informally without proper documentation, implicat- breeding programs through royalties.ing everyone involved in the transactionfrom the seller to Highlight the benefits of certified seed, including higher quality, the seed cleaner and even truck driver, Hyra notes.For cleaners and retailers, its vital to ensure that the seedfewer weeds, better purity and predictable yields.they handle is legally acquired. Having customers sign dec- Offer Certified Seed Blendslarations confirming the legal purchase of seed protects both Stock and promote certified seed blends that combine various parties. Retailers can educate their customers using availablevarieties for enhanced performance.resources, such as instructional signs, to avoid inadvertentCollaborate with breeders to select varieties with desirable traits violations of PBR. such as higher yields, disease resistance and adaptability to various Ensuring compliance with PBR starts with buying certifiedconditions.seed and understanding the obligations that come with it,Develop Innovative Marketing StrategiesHyra says.Create programs to reduce risks for farmers establishing new Producers should verify the seeds status to avoid unwit- forage stands. Offer replacement seed at no cost in case of tingly purchasing protected varieties. Clear communication andestablishment failure, provided they use certified varieties.education about these rules can prevent costly violations and support ongoing agricultural innovation. Use marketing strategies to highlight the long-term benefits of Of course, seed companies and retailers are increasinglycertified seed over common seed.becoming part of the solution in bolstering the profile of forage seed and its value in spurring Canadas seed innovation land-scape. Harley Bell, VP retail for BrettYoung based in Manitoba, says the company has made a significant shift from usingyields, disease resistance, and adaptability to various conditions.common seed to certified seed in its forage blends.One example is BrettYoungs most popular alfalfa product, This change was driven by the need to offer more advanceda certified blend of five different varieties, each selected for and reliable forage seed varieties to our customers. Cattle andunique characteristics to adapt to variable field conditions. dairy producers, as well as other livestock farmers, are becom- These certified blends ensure farmers get the best possible ing more professional and require higher productivity to remainperformance from their forage crops, Bell adds.competitive and profitable, Bell says. To encourage the use of certified seed, BrettYoung has Shortly after he joined BrettYoung nearly 18 years ago, thedeveloped innovative marketing strategies, including its Forage company strategically moved away from older varieties, suchEstablishment Guarantee. as alfalfa bred in the 1970s, to proprietary, improved varieties.This program reduces the risk for farmers when establish-This transition supports farmers by providing seeds that offering new forage stands, Bell says. If theres an establishment predictable yields, disease resistance, and overall quality.failure and the farmer is enrolled in the program, we provide We aim to be a leader in the forage seed market, providingreplacement seed at up to no cost, given they are using the best blends and straight products that meet the highest standards,certified varieties.he says. By converting sales to proprietary varieties, BrettYoung Using certified seed in blends offers several advantages, heensures that royalties are reinvested into breeding programs, notes.fostering a cycle of continuous improvement. Certified seed guarantees a higher baseline qualityfewerThis reinvestment supports ongoing innovation, benefit-weeds, better purity. Additionally, BrettYoung collaborates withing growers, retailers, seed companies and breeders alike, Bell breeders to select varieties with specific traits such as higheradds.JULY 2024 SEEDWORLD.COM/CANADA 31'