b'Eudes journey from a research scientist to a management roleThis evolution is gradual and becomes clearer when viewed over reflects the evolving nature of agricultural research, where thea long period.integration of diverse scientific expertise is essential for success. In terms of plant biology, AAFCs scientific capacity today Eudes, who grew up in France and did his studies inis not less than it was before 2000. We may have fewer lead Quebec, emphasizes that the evolution of AAFCs priorities overscientists, but we resource them better. We encourage creativity the years reflects broader changes in the scientific landscape.and transformative approaches, and we foster greater collabora-This shift means that while there may be fewer lead scien- tion both internally and externally. Our role goes beyond just tists at AAFC today, those in place are better resourced andperforming science; it involves ensuring that our innovations supported, he says, adding that AAFC encourages transforma- reach the market and benefit the agricultural sector, Eudes says.tive approaches and fosters greater collaboration, both inter-nally and externally. Public and Private Sector Synergy ANOTHER ONE OF HIS GREAT ATTRIBUTES IS THAT The integration of public and private efforts is crucial, espe-cially in areas where private investment is limited, accordingHES NOT AFRAID TO PUSH FOR CHANGENOT to Henry de Gooijer, one of Eudes AAFC colleagues and an advisor on science partnerships. RECKLESSLY, BUT WITH A CLEAR SENSE OF AAFC scientists and breeders are world-class, always seek-ing innovation and change. However, as technology evolves andPURPOSE. HE UNDERSTANDS THE NEED TO TAKE new tools become available, AAFC needs to figure out how toBRAVE STEPS TO INTRODUCE NEW TECHNOLOGY.adopt these advancements to remain efficient and competitive on a global scale, he says. Henry de GooijerDe Gooijer has worked with Eudes for years and believes the vision his friend and co-worker has brought to AAFCs research agenda is helping AAFC be more efficient, nimble and effective. Breeders at AAFC, for instance, have taken steps beyond Some parts of the sector might think were not changingsimply releasing registered products. These products are now fast enough, while others might wonder why we need to changeoffered through competitive processes to entities that can bring when the current system works, de Gooijer says. them to market, he notes. Maintaining our capacity in a changing world is crucial,Our goal is to help not just AAFC scientists but also those just like a producer who updates their seeding system. If theyin academia and the private sector succeed. This collaboration hadnt changed over the past 30 or 40 years, they wouldnt beis crucial, especially in Canada, where the contribution from as advanced as they are today.small and medium-sized enterprises is smaller compared to the Its not just about maintaining AAFCs position but alsoEU or the U.S., he adds. about meeting the sectors expectations and being able to grow,For hybrid crops like canola, corn and soybean, multina-de Gooijer says. Recent staffing initiatives have brought in newtionals dominate the market because of the control over return scientists specializing in phenomics and genomics, areas vitalon investment. However, for perennial forage crops, its differ-for improving crop screening and breeding efficiency.ent, with no private companies developing new generations of In my experience with Franois, he brings a solid graspthese crops in Canada. This work is left to the public sector, of the opportunities these technologies present and also hasincluding our breeding programs and our collaboration with a realistic view of the challenges in implementing them, dethe University of Saskatchewan.Gooijer adds. Between these extremes, different crops fall at various points Another one of his great attributes is that hes not afraid toin the breeding continuum, he notes. push for changenot recklessly, but with a clear sense of pur- AAFCs role is to generate science and innovation that pose. He understands the need to take brave steps to introducesupport a diverse ecosystem of plant species. This ecosystems new technology. success relies on understanding the nature of each plant species Its easier to understand the evolution of agricultural sci- and the market associated with it, he adds.ence if we look back over several decades, Eudes says. First, itsOur goal isnt just to generate knowledge but to ensure its important to consider how the science itself has evolved, andapplication, bridging the gap between scientific innovation and then how organizations like AAFC deliver and fund research.impactful commercialization. JULY 2024 SEEDWORLD.COM/CANADA 13'