b'RETAIL STRATEGYAlfalfa is a popular forage crop enjoying recent advancements including a certified blend of five different varieties offered by BrettYoung.CERTIFIED SEED IS THE FUTURE OF THE FORAGE WORLDForage seed is every bit as genetically sophisticated as other crops. We consulted four experts on what retailers should know to ensure a healthy future for the sector.Marc ZienkiewiczACCORDING TO TODD HYRA, western business manager for SeCan, its not unheard of to encounter producers or retailers interested in growing cattle feed without fully appreciating the importance of adhering to intellectual property rules. This oversight often stems from a misunderstanding about the origins and protection of these specialized seed varieties, which are bred specifically for cattle feed.Forage seed varieties, much like other crop seeds such as wheat or oats, are the product of extensive breeding programs. These programs rely on royalties from the sale of certified seed to continue their work, Hyra says.Harley Bell, VP retail forTodd Hyra, western business When illegal sales occur, it directly undermines these pro- BrettYoung manager for SeCangrams by diverting funds needed for research and development. Essentially, its a case of biting the hand that feedsthe very source of the advanced genetics farmers rely on for their crops.Its critical for everyone in the agricultural chain, from retailers to end-users, to understand that forage seed varieties are protected by intellectual property (IP) rights. These seeds are as genetically sophisticated as any other crop, Hyra says, and the breeders who develop them are specialists in their field. This protection ensures that the innovation in forage crops continues, benefiting the entire agricultural community. In fact, he notes that forage seed often needs more of a helping hand than other crops, as there exists a lack of funding mecha-nisms for forage crops compared to other annual cereals likeRay Smith, forage researcher atDoug Cattani, forage breeder at milling wheat or oats, which receive checkoff funding throughthe University of Kentucky the University of Manitobaproducer commissions. 30 SEEDWORLD.COM/CANADA JULY 2024'