b'entrants are tasked to develop models that can predictPEOPLE NEWSthe performance of potential corn products. On August 26, Todd Martin announced with a heavy heart that he was resigning as CEO of the Independent Yield10 Bioscience announced that it has expanded itsProfessional Seed Association (IPSA). Together, Martin non-exclusive research license with Bayer for soybeanand IPSA board members Jeff Meints, Brett Hodnefield crop research to include a new discovery related to itsand Dan Hogstad will facilitate the search for a new CEO.C3004 yield trait gene. Yield10 is developing C3003 and C3004 as novel yield trait genes to increaseAgriThority has completed the reorganization of its seed yield in commercially important crops.Underleadership team with the addition of Gloverson Moro the amended research license, Bayer will have accessas director of global product development, Luke to these new developments from Yield10s C3004Samuel as manager of business and technology, and program and new advanced technology related to thethe promotion of Fred Tennant to director of global C3004 trait and its potential to increase seed yield. business.S&W Seed Company announced the expansion of itsJames Fung has been named Chief Executive Officer Australian agriculture market presence through theof Indiana Crop Improvement Association (ICIA) addition of elite wheat germplasm to its portfolio ofsucceeding Alan Galbreth who retired on the last day products. Under its exclusive, prepaid license fromof July after 44 years with the organization. James Corteva Agriscience, S&W will immediately offer areceived a BS in Chemical Engineering from the number of commercialized varieties to the AustralianUniversity of Texas at Austin and an MBA from the market. The addition of wheat to the S&W portfolio,University of Houston. James has spent 17 years in the which also includes sorghum, alfalfa and sunflower,Ag Industry where he served in roles in manufacturing, advances S&Ws strategic objective to become onebusiness, and supply chain, delivering solutions of the leading suppliers of elite seed genetics toto complex situations in established and startup Australian farmers. The license has an initial term of 15operations.years. S&W will own any new distinct wheat varieties generated from its breeding program. The Alliance of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Science Breeding TrialPlanning ProductionQualityInventoryReportingProcessingOff-line appsSoftware solutions Salesfor field crops, vegetables & flowersAgro Business SolutionsHet Voert 91613 KL GrootebroekThe Netherlands www.agrosolutions.nlENZA ZADEN PANAMERICAN SEED HYBRO SAATZUCHT VAN WAVEREN SAATEN84/ SEEDWORLD.COMOCTOBER 2019'