b'PARTNER CONTENTClariants Agrocer Provides Unparalleled Color Solutions with Pigment Red 112Through Clariants investment in listing Pigment Red 112 for use as a seed colorant in the U.S., the company created a globally marketable and superior colorant option for U.S. manufacturers, and a new branding opportunity for their customers.A mainstay in global seed treatment formulations, Pigment Red 112 offers more than another solution to color application. The pigment previ-ously not approved for use globally, now offers all manufacturers the opportunity to formulate and market a globally accepted product with the best colorant attributes the industry has to offer. Pigment Red 112 has been widely used throughout the world for seed treatment, however, the pigment wasnt approved for use in the U.S. prior to Clariants petition of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In 2014, the EPA granted clearance for Pigment Red 112 and opened the door to opportunities for the pigment to be used globally in seed treatments; prior to 2016, if a seed product was formulated in Europe using Pigment Red 112, it could not be distributed in the U.S.Because of our work, Pigment Red 112Agrocer Pigment Red 112 (on the right) offers a better coverage of the seed than equal is now EPA approved, and that approvalquantities of Pigment Red 48:2.allows companies to formulate a product using one formula for sales into multiplethe same or better performance with threePigment Red 112 is extremely stable, an countries, says Mark Self, market segmentquarters of an ounce of Red 112.important criterion for any seed treatment manager for special applications, BusinessKibbee says that by using less colorant,product, and provides customers more than Unit Pigments North America at Clariant.manufacturers are provided more space fora premium quality seed colorant solution. From a color perspective, Clariantsadditional agronomically beneficial ingre- Red 112 is a brighter cleaner shade; its Pigment Red 112 offers superior opacitydients in the seed treatment.easier to make other custom color blends and color strengthmeaning the hidingAnything you can do to reduce thewith it, Self says. power and color are stronger and give bet- amount of colorant content is beneficialThat important attribute of the color-ter coverage than equal quantities of thehe says, the more room you leave for theant is where many Agrocer customers are predecessor, Pigment Red 48:2.biologicals and other treatments that willfinding a branding advantage. They can Customers really appreciate full cover- help seed performance the better.have a color blended to their specific shade age of the seed, and the hiding power ofAdditionally, Red 112 has extremely lowrequirements. Red 112 really gives a more uniform look,solubility, making it a perfect componentToday, Clariant, in partnership with says John Kibbee, who serves as vice presi- for seed treatments. The low solubilityStandard Colors Agro Group can provide a dent of Technology for Clariants distribu- means the particle size (and performance)variety of shades for any color a customer tion partner Standard Colors. For exam- is much more stable than Pigment Redcan imagine and deliver a product in virtu-ple, on soybeans one ounce of Red 48:248:2. Pigment Red 112 doesnt containally any package size a customer desires. has become the norm for providing thecalcium like Pigment Red 48:2, so avoids aThis gives seed companies, no matter their intensity and uniformity that customerspotential cause of thickening and gelationscale, the opportunity to leverage color expect. However, our customers are seeingof products and slurries.within their branding strategy.OCTOBER 2019SEEDWORLD.COM /55'