b'domestic producers. This hastoxins related to commercialin agriculture had nosedivedtion, the road would ease the been acutely felt by mostfertilizers and pesticides. Itfrom about 7% to 2% fromevacuation of farm produce of the 500,000 families inis produced with the use of1995 to 2017, adding that theto the market. He also says Cambodia who eke out aenvironmentally responsiblenew administration needed tothat discussions were in top living farming jasmine andcultivation methods and fairreverse the trend. gear with the federal govern-fragrant long grain rice, inlabour practices. EnhancedOn rural infrastructure,ment to rehabilitate the Oyo spite of the fact that theseopportunities for women andSanginga says the govern- town- Iseyin road. -Source: varieties are geographicallya strategy for effective climatement should pay close atten- International Institute of specific and do not competechange adaptation are amongtion to rehabilitation of ruralTropical Agriculture. SWdirectly with products grownthe many benefits for farm- roads (feeder roads) to help in the EU.ing communities. -Source:the evacuation of agricultural As if this werent painfulCambodian Rice Federation products from the farm to the enough, the EU is now con- markets.sidering the withdrawal of itsHe decried the deteriora-Everything But Arms (EBA)STATUS NIGERIA tion of infrastructure in several program. This trade arrange- A double-digit investmentfarm settlements in Oyo state ment allows goods fromin the agricultural backedand urged the government to Cambodia and other devel- by a vibrant rural infra- tackle the trend.oping nations to enter thestructural network will helpIn his response, Governor EU free of duties and tariffs.states in Nigeria to acceler- Makinde commended the IITA EU legislators are threaten- ate the transformation ofDG for the courtesy visit and ing to end the arrangementagriculture, says Nteranyapledged the commitment of to press for policy reforms inSanginga, director general ofthe state to work with IITA to Cambodia. A political thrash- the International Institute ofachieve agricultural transfor-ing could lead to a virtualTropical Agriculture (IITA). mation.threshing of an industry and aNo matter our goodThe governor noted that way of life. intentions, we cannot see ahis administration had identi-Cambodian rice is pro- transformation in agriculture iffied four pillars: education, duced in keeping with all inter- we continue to invest less thanrural infrastructure, economic national standards and the10% of our budget on agricul- development (agriculture), Cambodian Rice Federationture, says Sanginga. and security to help bring the (CRF) supports produc- In 2003, African headsdividends of democracy to ers with programs that areof state in Maputo made athe people of Oyo state.designed to encourage ethi- commitment to invest at leastHe noted that for the state cal, responsible and sustain- 10% of their annual budgets into attain economic develop-able farming practices. Theagriculture. However, 16 yearsment, agriculture must be goal is to encourage a systemafter the declaration, only atransformed.that is fair and one that resultsfew countries have imple- This is because most of in clear benefits for growers. mented that declaration. our people depend on agri-In particular, CambodiaOne of the countries thatculture for their livelihoods. is rapidly expanding cultiva- have fulfilled the commit- Besides, through agricultural tion under Sustainable Ricement is Ethiopia Ethiopia istransformation, we will be able Platform (SRP) standards.today investing more than 10%to provide the needed jobs Varieties are grown underand that country is witness- for our youthsThe jobs we stringent conditions thating a rapid transformationpromised during the election-comply with product stand- in Agriculture, Sangingaeering campaigns, he adds.ard and fair-trade certifica- explains. On infrastructure, the tions. Organic (SRP) rice,Making reference to thegovernor says work on one of per UNEP and InternationalOyo State Agricultural Policythe major agricultural roads Rice Research Institute (IRRI)framework, the IITA boss says(Moniya to Iseyin) would specifications, is free ofthat Oyo states investmentcommence soon. On comple-OCTOBER 2019SEEDWORLD.COM /79'