b'crops are now believers in thecorn or soybeans plants forWohltman says. If this year benefits. They have found thatfour months to growing plantsdoesnt force seed suppliers, they can remain profitablewith live roots 11 or 12 monthsSoil health is theretailers and growers to plan, even with lower commodityof the year when cover cropsplan and plan as best they can, prices by using cover crops. Itare planted. continued capacity of then Im not sure theyll ever is the one practice that holds2) Keep the soil covered insoil to function as a vitalbe convinced. Sure, this year enormous promise for grow- some capacity, whether it bemay be an outlier, but we must ers efforts. Some farmerswith crop residue or a livingliving ecosystem thatrealize that the weather events have also been able to reducegreen cover. Cover crops cer- sustains plants, animals,and seasonal challenges that nutrient use and boost yields,tainly fit within that principle. take place in other parts of making cover crops good for3) Maintain biodiversity inand humans.the country do indeed impact soils and the bottom line. fields. If farmers are normallyUSDA Natural Resources what the forage and cover crop People seem to be moregrowing one crop all the time,Conservation Service industry can accomplish in a aware of the benefits that theythey can get diversity withrelatively short amount of time. bring and thinking long termcover crops, which is a plus forIf we extrapolate the trend rather than looking for quickthe biology of the soil. It is alsofully using cover crops, heline we are on, Meyers calc-return.a plus for pollinators and othersays. In every county withulates there will be about 40 Farmers seem to bebeneficial insects.farmers growing crops, theremillion acres of cover crops more patient, Jones says.4) Reduce disturbance ofare farmers growing coverplanted in 2029. To plant 40 The interest in cover cropsthe soil, which focuses morecrops and influencing theirmillion acres will require a and soil health is continuallyon tillage, but it goes hand inneighbors because of theirmillion acres of seed produc-expanding as farmers real- hand with using cover cropssuccess in using cover crops.tion and a billion dollars worth ize it is another tool that canbecause reduced or no-tillPeople are noticing the ben- of seed sales to supply those help them mitigate some ofapproaches work very well inefits. cover crops acres. The cover the risks of crop productioncombination with cover crops.crops industry is becoming a and land ownership. AlthoughI attended an agronomyCover Crop Seed much larger industry not just more difficult to preciselymeeting recently where aScott Wohltman, LaCrossefor seed but also equipment quantify, resource stewar- well-seasoned ExtensionSeeds east coast coverand other services. dship and succession planningagent made the statementcrop lead, says this year hasWhat may not be obvi-are increasingly importantthat he is having to re-think hisbrought about many chal- ous to outsiders, for seed considerations. Farmers wantentire career, says Grasslandlenges that none of whichcompanies, cover crops are an to leave the land in better con- Oregon CEO Risa DeMasi. Hecould have been predicted.additive sales opportunity that dition for their children. now believes that soil health isAccording to estimates, moredoes not diminish cash crop The USDA Naturalcritical. This is a paradigm shiftthan 4 million acres of alfalfaseed sales, he says.Resources Conservationfrom what he had taught fornationally were lost to win- With the mention of cover Service (NRCS) describesdecades. Farmers are moreterkill, not to mention lossescrop seed came a word of cau-soil health as the continuedaware of the monetary ben- to many small grains and per- tiongrowers are advised to capacity of soil to function asefits of improving overall soilennial forage stands. With theplant only tested and tagged a vital living ecosystem thathealth with cover crops. subsequent spring floodingseed. In other words, growers sustains plants, animals, andMyers believes the oneand a poor start to the rowshould treat their cover crops humans. The agencys guide- thing that invigorated newcrop planting season, real- with the same diligence as they lines prescribe four principlescover croppers is all theity set in that this year woulduse for any other cash crop. to be followed to maintain anddiscussion about soil health.present some challenges toUntested seed could be (and improve soil health: Beyond that, he thinks farmerkeeping seed supplies avail- has been) contaminated with 1) Keeping living roots into farmer discussions are theable.noxious and invasive weed the soil in as much of the yearbiggest driving force.Prevent plant acresseeds that leave a legacy for as possible to feed the soil. AWe have farmers all overtook away from the coveryears to come. Planting seed field can go from growing livethe country who are success- crop supply of seed as well,labeled in compliance with OCTOBER 2019SEEDWORLD.COM /19'