b'changes to definitions, structure and theproposed rule went into effect, it wouldfrom food and agricultural technology. language regarding exemptions. be inconsistent and more restrictive thanTogether, USDA, the Environmental policies in Argentina and Chile. Protection Agency and the Food and Little Details, Big Impact In the letter, LaVigne added that USDADrug Administration have a Coordinated Specifically, ASTA recommended definingshould not restrict the scope of exemptionsFramework for the Regulation of genetically engineered organism as: Anto what is technically achievable today. Biotechnology that ensures these prod-organism developed using genetic engi- The improvement of technology isucts are safe for the environment and neering, excluding those offspring that doa continuous process, he wrote. Wehuman health. not retain the genetic modification of therecommend that the Agency provide aToday, as we face unprecedented parentmechanism in the final rule for reviewingglobal-scale challenges like climate Concerned that genetic engineeringthe existing exemptions and adding addi- change, emerging pests and diseases and is often used synonymously with termstional ones through an expedited processrapid population growth, plant breeding such as biotechnology, modern biotech- as development occur. continues to evolve and innovate, to help nology, and genetic modification, ASTAThere is a real risk that the confirma- deliver critical solutions, through methods believes its recommendation would pro- tion process would become a de factolike gene editing that are more precise vide clarity that not all plants derived frommandatory process without any assur- and efficient than ever before, Secretary the broad definition of genetic engineer- ances to the developer of how the processPerdue says. Plant breeding innova-ing in the proposal would automaticallywill, in fact, work, LaVigne noted. USDAtion holds enormous promise for helping be regulated. has not laid out any specifics with respectprotecting crops against drought and When it comes to the proposedto information needed or timelines if adiseases while increasing nutritional value exemptions, Andy LaVigne, ASTAs presi- developer chooses to use this option. and eliminating allergens.dent and CEO, explained that significantThe recommendations outlined aboveUsing this science, farmers can con-applications of genome editing withshow the work and benefit of ASTA, astinue to meet consumer expectations for results that could be achieved throughwell as the advancements in plant breed- healthful, affordable food produced in traditional breeding, such as spontaneousing. Its clear more work is needed but ina manner that consumes fewer natural and induced mutagenesis, would still needgeneral agricultural groups support theresources. This new innovation will help to go through the new Regulatory Statusdirection and movement. farmers do what we aspire to do at USDA: Review process.USDA is one of three federal agen- do right and feed everyone.SWASTA also pointed out that if thecies that regulate products derived OCTOBER 2019SEEDWORLD.COM /17'