b'Euroseeds biggest achievement is maintaining a true spirit of collaboration in a highly differentiated,highly competitive and truly international industry. Garlich von Essenfor the future, budgets and personnel. Merging these into a new,ticipatory discussion and decision making as well as an efficient single voice for the entire European industry was a very excitingpractical implementation of those decisions. In Euroseeds, we project. That this would lead to such a long-lasting engagementare committed to the concept of subsidiarity; we always try to wasnt foreseeable at the time. decide at the most appropriate level, i.e. the one closest to the subject in question.That means a bottom-up approach. On the ES: If you look back over all those years, what do youother hand, if you would look top-down, we try to make sure that consider are Euroseeds biggest achievements?the Board exercises leadership on structure, finance and strategy GvE: Maintaining a true spirit of collaboration in a highly differen- and provides guidance on principal policy issues. And we have a tiated, highly competitive and truly international industry. It is thisclear understanding between members and Euroseeds secre-mix of competition and collaboration that I find truly fascinatingtariat that it is the latter that is expected to bring the necessary about the plant breeding sector. It is reflected not only by struc- expertise to the table to efficiently prepare and lead the internal tures such as Euroseeds or its national member associations:processes and then effectively drive the external implementa-the International Seed Federation will even celebrate its 100thtion of our members positions. This provides a strong base of anniversary in just a few years. You could say the seed sectortrust, gives great confidence to the team members and offers always had this association gene as part of its DNA, realizing thatthem a lot of potential for personal and professional growth; but improving plant varieties requires you to access the best startingit also means a lot of individual responsibility and continuously material from all over the world. For that, you need agreed rulessatisfying high expectations. And, last but not least, diversity is and regulations that balance a broad access to plant materialnot only important for breeding new and better plant varieties. It with the protection of intellectual property and, nowadays, theis also an essential element when you design a team such as the rights of sovereign countries; you need to facilitate the move- Euroseeds secretariat. We today have a dozen nationalities from ment of plant material across borders while avoiding phytosani- all over Europe and also Africa on the team, with very different tary risks and the spread of pests or diseases and so much more.cultural backgrounds, educations, work experiences etc . This Many of todays international as well as EU rules and regulationsvery much stimulates our discussions. are the result of the industrys desire and practical need to col-laborate by establishing and safeguarding workable rules for fairES: And personally? What would you consider your competition. Despite all the changes over the years, all the merg- biggest achievement(s)? ers and acquisitions, the growing globalization of our economiesGvE: Thats probably more for others to decide. What I am in general and this sector in particular, this commitment to workproud of is building a true team of highly motivated and capa-together and to build up and continuously support the structuresble individual experts. This has been the base for taking on and have dedicated people that organize this collaboration, thatnew tasks and responsibilities and providing more services to is an important achievement. And if I look at Euroseeds today, Iour companies at association level such as e.g. the European think we have both, efficient and effective structures and a verySeed Treatment quality Assurance scheme ESTA, the Patent dedicated team of experts. Information system PINTO, or the Nagoya Navigator, a guide that facilitates companies compliance with international rules on ES: As you said, success is also thanks to a team. Whatgenetic resources.are the key factors to a great team?I am also very content with the way we have developed our GvE: Historians remain deeply divided whether it is individualannual congress over the years. Bringing together more than a men and women that create history or if history itself just hap- thousand participants from all over the world, every year, is only pens and allows individual men and women to make use of thepossible if you provide value for money. The continuous growth newly emerging opportunities. of the Congress suggests we do just that.As individuals, we probably have a preference for the firstAnd maybe the fact that today nobody in the seed industry theory; but in my view and experience, both elements are inter- nor outside can imagine or would like to go back to the time dependent and together drive developments. Still, I think it iswithout this organisation.SW individual talent, determination and commitment that make the difference. But you also need an environment where they canEditors Note: If you want to read more about Garlichs biggest thrive. That is why I think that rules, structures and processes areregrets, frustrations in EU politics and the right to lobby, please important, provided they are designed in ways that drive a par- read the full article on our website, seedworld.com74/ SEEDWORLD.COMOCTOBER 2019'