b'PROTECTING WHAT NEEDSTO BE PROTECTEDHow does agriculture affect different endangered species in the U.S.? How are seed companies trying to help? Experts explain. Sarah Hill sarahhill1007@yahoo.com CROPS, VEGETABLES ORflow- Becoming an Endangered Species To help conserve genetic diversity, the ers growing are a beautiful sight.According to the USFWS, species that areESA defines species broadly to include However, we often dont think about theprotected by the ESA fall into either onesubspecies and distinct populations of animals, plants, fish, birds and inverte- of two categoriesthreatened or endan- vertebrates.brate species that may be impacted bygered, depending on its status and theA species is added to the endangered human exploits, including agriculture.degree of threats that the species faces.species list when it is determined to be The facts show that there is room forendangered or threatened due any factor, improvement for the agriculture industryincluding the present or threatened to be better stewards of the land. Wedestruction, modification or curtailment share the Earth with many speciesandof its habitat or range; overutilization for it is up to us to protect those species andcommercial, recreational, scientific or make sure that our efforts dont damageThe sage grouse was a primeeducational purposes; disease or preda-the land or other species habitats. tion; inadequacy of existing regulatory example of a real-life situationmechanisms; and/or other natural or Impact of the Endangered where a species was very closemanmade factors affecting its survival.Species Act A strict legal process called a rule-Since its passage in 1973, the Endangeredto being listed, but betweenmaking procedure is followed by federal Species Act (ESA) has impacted howagencies to propose and adopt regula-farmers are allowed to use certain prod- government agencies, ranchingtions. The first step in assessing a spe-ucts. The U.S. Department of the Interiorand other motivations, there wascies status is the publishing of notices of and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Servicereview by the USFWS to identify spe-(USFWS) enforce the ESA, while thecommon alignment to keep thatcies they believe meet the definitions of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)species off the endangered list.threatened or endangered in the Federal approves all insecticides, fungicides andRegister, a daily Federal Government pub-seed treatments before they go to market.Rob Wendell lication. The next step is seeking biologi-Its very difficult from a science andcal information that will help complete the legal administrative viewpoint because allstatus reviews for candidate species.species have to be taken into considera- The USFWS has a priority system tion during product review, which may orto direct their efforts toward the spe-may not be an issue for some locations,cies with the greatest need. The prior-says Laura Peterson, head of federalAn endangered species is definedity system sorts species by the degree government & industry relations withas one that is in danger of extinctionor magnitude of the threat, followed Syngenta. Because seeds and/or cropthroughout all or a significant portion ofby the immediacy of the threat and the protection products may be used in anyits range. A threatened species is likely totaxonomic distinctiveness of the species. given county, there is a lot of uncertaintybecome endangered in the foreseeablePopular species or so-called higher life to account for. future.forms do not get special preference from 10/ SEEDWORLD.COMOCTOBER 2019'