b'REGULATORY ROUNDUP Keeping you informed of legislative and regulatory changes at the state, national and international levelsfrom lawsuits to approvals to other regulatory issues affecting your business.NATIONAL WSSA BOARD ISSUESconsultation will commenceinvestment in agricultural PLANTING UNLABELEDSTATEMENT CONCERNINGand following its completionresearch and development, COVER CROP SEED COULDREGISTRATION OFthe government will introducesays Minister Whetstone. BE COSTLY GLYPHOSATE new regulations giving farm- Considering the future eco-Planting cover crops isThe board of directors ofers choice and lifting the GMnomic impact on farmers, it increasing in popularity eachthe Weed Science Societymoratorium across mainlandis time to lift the moratorium year, and this is not surpris- of America (WSSA) issuedSouth Australia. on the mainland and provide ing considering the benefits.a statement supporting theMinister for Primaryfarmers choice on crops they However, those potential ben- U.S. Environmental ProtectionIndustries and Regionalseek to grow.efits will be quickly negatedAgencys (EPA) science- Development Tim WhetstoneIn accordance with the by the use of untested orbased approach to evaluatingsaid the Anderson ReviewGenetically Modified Crops unlabeled seed says Jasonglyphosate. found the GM moratorium inManagement Act 2004, Goltz, North Dakota StateThe EPA is currently con- South Australia provided noformal written submissions will Seed Department regulatoryducting a review of glypho- price premium compared withbe accepted, and public meet-programs manager. sate as part of its standard,GM crop growing neighboringings will be held in Adelaide North Dakota seed lawperiodic reassessment ofstates. and Kangaroo Island.SWrequires that all agriculturalpreviously registered herbi- The Anderson Review seed offered for sale, or soldcides to ensure they can stillfound the moratorium has for planting purposes, mustbe used safely. In April 2019,cost South Australian grain be labeled. Proper labelingthe organization issued angrowers at least $33 million requires seed testing andinterim registration decisionsince 2004 and will cost farm-without proof of testing, therereiterating that glyphosate isers at least a further $5 million is the potential for plantingnot likely a carcinogen andif extended to 2025, harming seed that will not germinate orthat risks to public health arethis states ability to attract planting seed contaminatedlow when it is used in accord-with weed seed that may takeance with its current label.years to control or eradicate. The EPAs position has If you are buying seed thatbeen echoed by the Canadian has no available label or thePest Management Regulatory label is promised in the mail, itAgency, the European Food is not a legal sale, says Goltz. Safety Authority and other Another concern whenmajor regulatory organiza-purchasing seed for covertions around the globe.crop use is to ensure the seedWSSAs statement says meets all intellectual propertythat ongoing research and rights protections, warns theevaluation are justified and that ND State Seed Department. the society will remain cur-For example, most rye inrent on further developments North Dakota can be soldrelated to carcinogenic risk andRestoration & Reclamationvariety not stated. Theglyphosate as new information exception, is ND Dylan. Abecomes available. Sustainable LandscapesNorth Dakota State UniversityPollinator Habitatdeveloped variety, ND DylanINTERNATIONALis protected under the PlantLIFTING STIFLING GMConservationVariety Protection Act andMORATORIUM GIVESBiomassTitle V of the Federal SeedFARMERS A CHOICEAct. This means ND DylanThe Australian government must be sold by variety namehas announced farmers onernstseed.comas a class of certified seed.mainland South Australia willsales@ernstseed.comIllegal sales of a protectedbe given the choice to plant800-873-3321variety can result in fines up toGenetically Modified (GM) $10,000 per occurrence. food crops next season.A statutory six-week OCTOBER 2019SEEDWORLD.COM /77'