b'Department of Agriculture. The application costs $500 to file plus $5 per acre, or $3 for each 1,000 square feet, and requires detailed information such as the GPS location of fields and trial sites, plot size, variety name if known and intended use.Reporting RequirementsAs of early September, the state had a list of registered industrial hemp sites totaling 288 pages.Mosher, who also resides in Colorado, says compa-nies must also complete a number of seasonal reports.We must submit a planting report within 10 days of planting in the ground, she says. Then, if you move it . for example, if youre growing in a greenhouse and use clonal production, and you want to move that out-side, you have to report that transfer.Companies must also report their intent to harvest 25 days prior. This gives enough time for the depart-ment of agriculture to test the material if the company were to come up in the random testing cycle. So you submit to testing and abide by all product licensing, Mosher says. If youre selling seed, you need to have a seed license, and if youre selling farm prod-ucts, you need to have a sales license.In Kentucky, Doris Hamilton, who manages theHaving paved the way for farmers to grow hemp in Pennsylvania, Erica department of agricultures hemp program, says all theStark now leads the National Hemp Association.planting material coming into the state is screened.Unlike Colorado, Hamilton says Kentucky had no prior strains for hemp production. She explains that producers seeking to bring those materials in have toresult within those 15 days, but says prove two things: growers cant commingle or pro-1. Its a legal source. They have to have a hempcess material until the test results license and be a legal hemp operation in theirare in.state of origin. Another difference between 2. When mature, the floral material from the strainthe two states is KentuckyWe have GPS coordinates will test below 0.3% THC. inspects every field/crop in the Once approved for production, Hamilton explainsstate; however, not every one ison every field . If law that the grower must register with the department oftested. Hamilton admits that cropsenforcement calls, they get agriculture. The department will then issue a license. produced from noncertified seed We have GPS coordinates on every field, Hamiltonundergo higher test rates com- everything. We are an open shares. We supply all of that to law enforcement. Ifpared to that from certified seed.law enforcement calls, they get everything. We are anSo far, eight varieties are prohib- book. open book to law enforcement in our state. ited due to testing above the 0.3% Doris HamiltonLike Colorado, planting and harvest reports mustthreshold for THC.be submitted within a given window (15 days).Erica Stark, National Hemp We take our sample as close to harvest as pos- Association executive director, sible, Hamilton says, adding that once the sample isbelieves that the future of the taken, growers have 15 days to get the crop out of theindustrial hemp market could shift field. She acknowledges they wont have a THC testbased on how its regulated. OCTOBER 2019SEEDWORLD.COM /27'