b'ROBIN OMARA Its Not ThemIts YOU & I!PRESIDENT,OMARA AG SERVICESromara60@msn.com I HAVE THE PRIVILEGEto dosoever. The result is they interpret the omara-ag.com/what I love for a living. I am growinginformation as they (or the media) an old, trustworthy company intopleases.a world-leading position in a globalThe worlds population continues Herding Rabbits market. Taking over a family-ownedto grow, but the acres dont. We need company that has been in the busi- to increase yields at harvest, in order ness for more than 50 years, andto put food on the table.making it world-leading, requires aThe Millennial generation, in gen-IVE SPOKEN WITHothers who agree that itchange in mindset, in order to gaineral, doesnt know farming, but they can take six or more revisions of a proposal tonew and improved results. Google everything they are inter-build or remodel a seed conditioning facility to getAlthough NoroGard has a greatested in. You can curse it, or you can to a plan that is the right fit for everyone. history, my focus is on the future,choose to adapt and work it. Instead On the clients side, everyone involved has ansince thats where we are going toof telling them why we do what we armload of ideas, needs, wants and wishes to bringspend our time. Of course, I cannotdo, we should challenge them to do to the table. Most everyone can agree on a gen- do this by myself: I need the best co- it better! eral need for something like more capacity, butworkers. And if you want to attractWe need to clean out social media after that, things can get more complicated. Everythe best people, you need to step upfrom a lot of useless crap and fill it change or decision has an impact on somethingand become attractive. with valuable engagement. I want else. Putting a dollar figure on a plan is not nearlyThe future belongs to the worldsto see influencers that provide clean as difficult as putting the right things into a plan. youth, so the big question is howwater, food and education in devel-Once stakeholders have been asked what theyto be attractive to the Millennials?oping countries. want to include in the new plan, the list of it wouldLately, I have noticed that our indus- I want to see all YOU agronomists be nice if ideas starts flowing. Its good to get alltry uses social media like a defensewriting a blog about your passion in these ideas and questions out on the table. As theto explain seed breeding and toorder to engage the next generation list expands, so does practical imagination. This ispromote understanding, in general,to find new, organic, biological seed where the rabbit herding begins. Lets understandfor agricultural processes. I sensetreatment solutions. what is really important in spite of initial ideas andthe industry is desperately tryingI want all YOU farmers and seed words expressed. It is good to have all the opera- to create public understanding forprocessers to make use of your tors, managers, and stakeholders involved to helpgenetics and seed treatments andInstagram account and encourage align things and keep the discussion going downthe innovations that have been made. the next generation of farmers to the right path. Never before has public inter- put food on the table. If the public, To guide the discussion, we bring our design,est in agriculture been higher. Thein general, doesnt understand the imagination, creativity, and experience to the table.demands for biological and organic iscomplexity and charm of agriculture, We understand that our customers often look atenormous. We also have a generationits because they havent heard it things from an operational point of view while wewho has access to all the informationfrom the proper source.are doing our best to incorporate their ideas intothey wantbut no experience what- YOU & I need to make the publics an efficient, buildable plan. We help them considerinterest in agriculture creative and whether their initial vision is too focused on themeaningful, and we need to do it on here-and-now, lacking a sufficiently long-term hori- social media, starting today!zon. It could be an expensive failure for a company to reach its 10-year strategic goal in two years because its planning failed to consider the effect their new facility would have on customer percep-tion and sales. Its the old if you build it, they will come, thing ya know.Once the rabbits start running in herd forma-tion, and the facility design begins taking shape,KETTY NILSSONwe can focus on making certain that the designPRESIDENT, NOROGARDproposal covers the here-and-now as well as the @NorogardABfuture. Now that Ive made this sound difficult, Iketty@norogard.comshould tell you that this is my very favorite part ofnorogard.commy job.OCTOBER 2019SEEDWORLD.COM /47'