b'is all about. In total, the PrairieIts a lot of work screening for FHB Recommending Committee for Oat andin the nursery every year during theRECOMMENDING COMMITTEE Barley (PRCOB) looked at 12 lines thissummer. We look at over 10,000 linesTACKLES 3 BIG CANOLA yearthree oats and nine barleys. Ofevery year, Ruan said. Really a lot goes the oat lines two were supported forinto it, so to have a line like this put for- DISEASESregistration, while eight of nine barleyward for registration is very gratifying.candidates were supported. DT2009 is a combination of highChanges to canola disease labeling While the pandemic did challengeyield with high wheat protein andsystems, protocols and cultivar breeders, PRCOB chair Kelly Turkingtonsemolina protein concentrations equal toscreening are covered by the pathology says that the committee managed toStrongfield. It has strong straw strengthsub-committee of the Western Canada acquire a virtually full set of data to putand medium plant height and has resist- Canola/Rapeseed Recommending forth its registration recommendations. ance to moderate resistance to all rustsCommittee (unrelated to PGDC). A From a pathology point of view andincluding Ug99 stem rust. recent sub-committee meeting on Feb. 2 solely in terms of disease resistance,AAFC Lethbridges Rob Graf, who inincluded discussion and changes on:a number of the second-year two-row2020 won the Canadian Plant Breeding & co-op entries were a little more on theGenetics Award, put forward a new lineBlacklegsusceptible side of things for loose smut,as well this year. W601 winter wheat, ifIn 2017, the WCC/RRC introduced Turkington said.registered, will be a worthy competitor toa blackleg major resistance gene I recognize it isnt a priority oneAAC Wildfire, he said. With good winter(R-gene) identification system which disease, but nine of the 12 second-yearhardiness, its a medium to short varietyprovides more detail around a cultivars entries had moderately susceptible towith excellent straw strength. Resistant toblackleg resistance rating. Blackleg susceptible reactions. In terms of the first- all three rusts, it has intermediate resist- major R-genes are classified based year entries, 14 of 33 entries had moder- ance to FHB. on interactions with Leptosphaeria ately susceptible to susceptible. CompareHe notes that it has particularly good this to the surface smuts (covered andflour yield and low flour ashsome- maculans (blackleg causing species) false smut) where I think most of thething end users are looking for. avirulence genes. One change to second- and first-year entries had moder- the system has been the removal of ately resistant to resistant reactions. Vicine and Protein resistance gene group H, and the Badea and her team did not comeThe Prairie Recommending Committeeaddition of resistance gene LepR2 into empty-handed to this years PGDC meet- for Pulses and Special Crops (PRCPSC)resistance gene group G.ing. They brought forward four newput forth a total of 18 lines this year forVerticillium stripebarley candidate lines: TR13235, TR18257,registrationseven dry bean lines,To reduce the knowledge gap on TR18258 and TR19268. Out of those, thethree lentil lines, four pea lines and four first three are malting, and the fourthfaba bean lines. verticillium stripe disease distribution one is intended for general purpose/ This was the first year that breedersand severity within Western Canada, a feed. All these lines could potentiallyof faba beans must prove that their fabaworking group was assigned to develop be the answers to some of the commonbean line contains low vicine levels ina disease severity scale in time for use requests from growers and end users,order to enter into faba bean trials.in the 2021 growing season.like high yield or good quality attributes,Low vicine is still a big agenda itemClubrootBadea said. as we move down that road. How do weThe Clubroot Steering Committee economically measure vicine content? Major Development in Durum What are our standards going to be?(CSC) presented new clubroot survey On the wheat side, the PrairieHow do we designate check varietiesdata and reviewed progress of the Recommending Committee for Wheat,for our field testing that best representinternational initiative to harmonize Rye and Triticale (PRCWRT) put forwardthe crop in the process of looking atnomenclature and curation of clubroot 17 lines for registration this year. Amongnew potential check varieties in the lowresistance (CR) genetics. This them was a new durum from Yuefengvicine category? said PRCPSC chair Gleninternational initiative will improve Ruan of AAFC Swift Current, whose lineHawkins.communication and provide clarity for DT2009 is the first durum wheat lineAlso this year, the committee hadhow clubroot resistance loci are named.with intermediate resistance to fusariumwhat was likely its best suite of pea head blight (FHB). candidates pushing performance bothThe CSC proposed revisions for clubroot He worked on the line for eight yearsin yield and in protein content, Hawkinsresistance screening guidelines.before bringing it forward for recommen- noted.Source: Canola Council of Canadadation this year.INTERNATIONAL EDITION 2021GERMINATION.CA 5'