b'Sources: Statista.com, TrendEconomy, International Seed Federation, OECDSpain produces more than 18% 80 different products of farms focus on vegetablesand is mostly located in the south and Mediterranean zones of Spain. 50% of production is82%exported,and the mainof farms focus on fruitsexports are tomatoes, pepper and cucumber.2020 TOMATO EXPORTS IN METRIC TONS In 2019, onions werethe second preferred 184,326 to Germany vegetable consumed in Spain, with more than111,903 to France 327 million kilograms consumed. 97,985 to the U.K.2,000Spain exported tons 404,587 tonsLa Tomatina Festival occurs every year in SpainINCREASEand uses 200,000 lbs of tomatoes for throwing.FROM 2018 of onions in 2019. In 2020, CUCUMBER PRODUCTION878.8 million 779,000 metric tons tons 739,000 of bell peppersGERMANY534,400tons32.7% BELL PEPPEROTHERtonswere exportedEXPORTS BY40.8%from Spain. DESTINATION 2014 2017 2019In terms of FRANCEcucumbers and9.76%14.7% U.K. gherkins exported,INCREASE IN SALES 11.8% Spain totaled COMPARED TO 2019$744 millionin 2020. INTERNATIONAL EDITION 2021SEEDWORLD.COM /7'