b'INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENTCOVID-19 Opened Opportunities forCompanies in Developing CountriesCORONAVIRUS HAS CAUSEDsome majorused in larger markets through an international seed changes to the way that the world works.sales specialist within a company. This is usually done Globalization as we know it has turned 180 degrees,at events such as the International Seed Federation with countries now needing to support their ownWorld Seed Congress, where small countries from growth and development. Not only that, but compa- developing countries cannot afford to attend. Instead, I nies are seeing a hit to the bottom line. With the sharewould encourage a more targeted approach that may market under pressure, companies want to give theirbe more like a development project in the beginning shareholders some sort of return. Because of that,but will later show economic benefits. company spending has been decreased. By forming partnerships with local companies on But how has agriculture fared against other indus- the ground in developing countries, a company from ANTHONY LEDDINtries? Australia tourism, which is one of the countriesthe Western world can immediately have the contacts Inspired afterbiggest earners, is nonexistent apart from local tour- and the knowledge of how the local market works. reading Theism. Mining and agriculture have been a savior for theGiving a seed company the technical advice and the Coming Famine,economy. Economic recovery from the coronavirus willinfrastructure to sell seed will help build that relation-this Australiannot come from governments, but instead from compa- ship of trust so that the seed industry in that country plant breeder setnies and individual initiatives.may be able to move from the informal to the formal out to make aOver the last month we have seen COVID-19 haveseed sector. difference. Planta big effect on Asia. The rest of the world has beenSo how can a company find these contacts in Breeders Withoutwatching and wondering what they could do to help.developing countries? It needs a lot of research and Borders encouragesGovernments are donating medical equipment to helpemails. plant breeders andwith the outbreak. But what can we do in agriculture?With research and connections, you will narrow students to volunteerAfter every disaster food is always in great need.down to the right people to speak to and trust. In their time for inter- With a shortage of food, a country can quickly fall intosome cases, there are not any seed companies selling national breedingchaos leading to riots and falls of government. Thosethe varieties that Western companies are selling. This projects. that have access to food have power over people andwould require further research to determine if the vari-this can lead to a warlord type of scenario where aeties would grow in these countries and if they would country breaks apart into smaller regions.be culturally accepted. This is definitely not a direction that the worldKeep in mind that resources are limited in devel-would want to move in. oping countries. The inputs that would be applied in In developing countries, we will see an increaseWestern countries may be vastly different to what is in growth in agriculture, especially in Africa whereapplied in developing countries. You have to think: the world will see one of the greatest increases inHow I could make this variety yield to it genetic population over the next 50 years. And where doespotential with the resources available in the developing all agriculture begin? With a seed. Many companiescountry and how much farmers can afford? from the West have had an interest in selling seed intoIt may end up that the highest yielding varieties in a developing countries, but the fear of loss of intellectualdeveloping country are not used there, but instead the property has held them back. The cost of setting upmost popular varieties are the most disease resistant businesses within developing countries may also beor the most nutrient efficient, as these resources are prohibitive due to a small market size and the time itscarce in developing countries. would take to get the sales in volumes of seed requiredAlthough profits may not be seen for Western seed to make it economic. companies investing into developing countries immedi-Whats the answer then? Partnerships.ately, with patience rewards will come and in the short The general model that is used to sell into develop- term you can have the feeling that you are helping in a ing countries is to just offer surplus seed that is notspace where western governments investing less. SW16/ SEEDWORLD.COMINTERNATIONAL EDITION 2021'