b'Nyon, Switzerland - December 2020OUR COMMITMENTSBased on the above, we the signatories CONTINUEoursupportfortheconservationofcommit to: genetic resources and biodiversity; SUPPORT the Food Systems Summits five ActionCONTINUE to lay the foundation to provide con-Tracks, through our participation in the Summit and sumers with food that is healthy, safe, nutritious, andbeyond,providinginputthroughouttheupcoming varied;year;ADVOCATE so that farmers around the world are CONTINUE investing in science and innovation to able to access the seed of their choice, at the rightDevelop and Produce varieties that are locally adapt- time, and in the right place;ed to farmers needs;SHOW integrity and demonstrate openness; continueDIALOGUE with any potential partner that shares to share information in the agricultural space to beour goal of feeding the worlds growing population, open to ideas, and above all else to contribute to theincludingmultilaterals,governments,regionalau- evolution of food systems for the future of our world.thorities, and public bodies;OUR ASKSTo support the private seed sectors contribu-RECOGNISE that if the global seed supply chainstions to the SDGs, we ask that our partners: breakthisnegativelyimpactsonthefoodsupplychains and cannot deliver to consumers. This could RECOGNISEthefoundationalcontributionofthe quickly lead to dangerous food shortages;seed sector to reach the goals of the food systemsKEEP markets functioning, including by keeping bor-summit and the SDGs and invite and implicate our ders open to allow the free and efficient movementrepresentatives at national and international level; of seed and prevent crises like COVID-19 crisis from SUPPORT the private seed sector in exploring and transforming into a hunger crisis, too;utilizing the potential benefits of the latest plantSUPPORTseedsectoruseofgeneticresources, breeding methods, including genome editing, which essential to new seed varieties, by supporting im-can, and will, accelerate the improvement of seed provements to the work of bodies, such as the ITP-varieties; GRFA and CBD. SUPPORT the adoption of harmonized and science- based regulations for seeds and plant breeding, which creates the necessary guarantees for the farmers andallows for the safe international movement of seeds,To see the signatories to this Declaration, go to www.worldseed.org/seed-sector-declaration/ISF, Chemin du Reposoir 5-7, 1260 Nyon, Switzerland, T +41 22 365 4420, F +41 22 365 4421, isf@worldseed.org, http://www.worldseed.orgspecial 4 pager.indd 55 2021-06-08 8:20 AM'