b'S T R A T E G Ytype plants with our enhancedthe soil where it can be stored, carbon storage traits, LawLaw says.MAKING A CHANGEsays. In the longer term,By getting plants to make discussions are ongoing onbigger root systems, improvedAccording to the Carbon Cycle Institute, one of the largest contributors to climate how to get this new technol- plants would create morechange is land management. Luckily for our industry, agriculture is the one ogy into farmers fields. Initialsuberin to store more CO 2 . Assector that can transform from a net emitter of CO to a net sequesterer of COmetrics of our success includethe roots go deeper, there is2 2basic science milestones forless oxygen in the soil. Thisno other human managed realm has this potential. the discovery of methods tomeans there is less decomposi- Carbon farming can help remove CO from the atmosphere and store it for long 2control root mass and suberintion resulting in the CO 2beingperiods of time in soil, microorganisms and plant matter. According to Green levels in model plants beforestored longer. By making aAmerica, climate scientists estimate that 200 billion tons of CO would need to be we can move into row andbigger root system containing2removed from the atmosphere to half and reverse the effects of climate change. cover crops.more suberin and a larger frac-Some is known abouttion of the root system buriedCommon practices, such as driving a tractor, tilling the soil, over-grazing and suberin pathways and theirdeeper underground, plantsusing fossil fuel-based fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides result in a lot of CO 2role in C4 photosynthesis, butcould move a larger amount ofrelease. How do you know when carbon farming is successful? When the carbon understanding what it takes tocarbon into the soil and keep itgains from enhanced land management and conservation practices exceed manipulate them and facilitatethere longer. carbon losses. more suberin production is theNature-based carbonSeveral practices can increase carbon sequestration, including:focus on ongoing research.removal, including planting Results published in Marchand replanting forests, can No-till or mulch farming2021 by researchers at thecapture atmospheric carbon Cover Cropping during the off-seasonAustralian National Laboratorybut can also conflict with provide an insight into a mys- food production and other High diversity crop rotations and integrated farming practicestery that has puzzled scientistspolicy goals. The National Nutrient management and precision farming instead of intensive use of for 30 years: what exactly isAcademy of Sciences esti- chemical fertilizerssuberins role in C4 photosyn- mated that carbon storage thesis in the leaves of some ofin soil is enough to offset as Using drip, furrow or sub-irrigationthe most productive crops thatmuch as 10% of the annual give those plants the capacityU.S. net emissions, about 632 to enclose COinside a gas- million tons, at a low cost.indicates that if we can trapenhancing this natural process 2tight compartment in the leafOther researchers estimatebetween 4 and 8 gigatons ofthat already exists. tissue. This discovery providesthat sequestration of just overCOusing increased suberinThe proof-of-concept trials 2evidence about the responsi- 800 pounds of COon half theplants, we could make a practi- Michael, Law and the HPI team 2bility of suberin on making therangeland area in Californiacal difference. We see this ashave planned are designed leaf cells of C4 plants gas-tightwould offset 42 million metrica part of the solution, Michaelto measure how well the to keep COgas inside a layertons of CO , an amount equiva- says. Plants are already pullingnew traits are behaving. The 2 2of cells. lent to the annual greenhousecarbon out of the atmosphereresults of these trials may help The idea is that if we cangas emissions from energy useto make sugars. Carbon isdetermine the extent to which get plants to pull COout offor all commercial and residen- already being shuttled into theagricultural crops and farm-2the atmosphere and deposittial sectors in California.roots, already being put intoing practices will play a role in it in their roots, they will, inWe have a back-of-the- the soil at a fairly high rate.moderating COin the Earths 2essence, be pumping COintoenvelope calculation thatWhat we are talking about isatmosphere.SW2ENDORSED BY 60/ SEEDWORLD.COMINTERNATIONAL EDITION 2021'