b"A Healthy WorldStarts with Healthy SeedEnsuring seed health is the first step for producing better (and healthier!) food.Melissa ShipmanWHILE THE EVENTSof the pastthat begins with the seeds themselves.year have amplified global health con- There is a lot going on to improve cerns, its important to remember thatseed health, but one of the key concerns plants can get sick, too. A healthy worldis establishing the best methods to use relies on a sustainable, nutritious foodwhen testing, he says. If we dont agree system, and that starts with seed health. on the methods used, how can we accept The Food and Agricultureeach others results? Organization (FAO) reports that just 15 crop plants provide 90% of the world'sIndustry Collaborations are Keyfood energy intake. Collaboration across the industry is By making sure that seeds are healthy,essential and the International Seed we are trying to ensure healthy cropsHealth Initiative for Vegetable Crops because plant health starts with seed(ISHI-Veg) facilitates those conversations health. Seeds are the foundation for cropby bringing seed companies, institutions production and therefore seed health isand laboratories together to exchange inextricably linked to food production.information and develop new seed health Healthy seeds, free from known seedtests that will ultimately be internationally transmitted pathogens, are a prerequisiterecognized as reference methods and for sustainable food production, says Roseaccepted as industry standards.Souza-Richards, seed health manager forThe vegetable seed industry consid-the International Seed Federation (ISF). ers a collaborative development of seed Plant health is increasingly threatened,health methods to be of mutual benefit with climate change and human activitiesfor the whole seed-supply chain and, altering the ecosystem and reducing bio- therefore, a non-competitive subject, diversity. This creates new niches whereSouza-Richards says.pests can thrive. In fact, FAO estimatesThe International Seed Testing that up to 40% of food crops are lostAssociation (ISTA) now has 142 accred-annually due to plant pests and diseases. ited seed testing laboratories worldwide. Gary P Munkvold, co-director ofISTA develops and issues methods for the National Seed Health System seed sampling and testing.Administration Unit at Iowa StateISTA president Steve Jones says the University Seed Science Center saystwo organizations continually work to one of the most important aspects ofimprove seed health methods and some sustainable agriculture is accomplishingISHI methods have progressed to become food production needs without resort- ISTA approved methods. ing to increasing chemical applications.There is an ISTA/ISF working group Maintaining plant health is crucial, andto facilitate continued collaboration 74/ SEEDWORLD.COMINTERNATIONAL EDITION 2021"