b'Learning About Your ProductsMichael Pareles, global digital strategy and growth lead andco-founder of Bayers Blockchain Center of Excellence, talks about how important it is to have traceability throughout the stockholder chain. Seed World (SW): Favorite movie?as an asset, but as a right. As more Michael Pareles (MP): I feel like myconsumers and governments demand partner and I have watched everyto know more about their products, movie in Hollywood while in quarantine.traceability is going to become table Its too hard to choose! stakes to participate not only in high-margin markets, but potentially even the SW: Got a personal goal for 2021? commodity markets we already support. MP: Im moving to Singapore for a newTraceability gives farmers the opportunity role with Bayer building on the workto highlight the sustainable stewardship weve done with blockchain and newthat many are already doing with better digital business models in North Americaseeds, no-till and other technologies to increase the livelihood of smallholderand practices, as well as to increase their farmers in the Asia Pacific. At Bayer,livelihoods by accessing markets and we have a goal of reaching 100 millionconsumers who will compensate them for smallholder farmers by 2030 so mythose practices and beyond. resolution is to help make a dent there. And to lose 10 pounds.SW: What are you most excited to see in the future?SW: Tell us about TraceHarvest andMP: Traceability is going to have a huge your experience with it. impact in developed markets where MP: My colleague Abha Khandelwalfarmers already have access to the best and I started working with BlockAppstechnologies, but where Im especially in 2018 when we were looking for anbullish on blockchain is in developing experienced partner that could help usmarkets where the financial systems are not only solve the challenge of creatingnot as mature. In these markets, farmers a scalable and extensible traceabilitymight not have the liquidity or credit to solution for our products, but also helpaccess the best seeds, crop protection us think through some of the otheror digital tech that would really bring ways blockchain technology couldtheir productivity to another level. The bring value to our customers and drivefinancial applications of blockchain could digital transformation in our industry.be really impactful here, helping to more Over the past two seasons, farmers andreliably collateralize land or even establish grain traders, we were able to track ourland ownership so growers can get the highest-value seed varieties throughcredit they need to start reaping the the value chain with an ease, accuracybenefits from technology that farmers and scale not previously possible andin developed markets already enjoy. This help our farmers reap the benefit of thatwould not only help close the gap on traceability. how were going to feed another two billion people by 2050 but lift hundreds SW: Why do you think traceability isof millions of subsistence farmers out so important? poverty in the process.SWMP: We live in a world where peopleEditors note: This piece has been increasingly view information not justshortened for print. 54/ SEEDWORLD.COMINTERNATIONAL EDITION 2021'