b'LEARNINGFROM THE PAST LEADS TOSTRATEGIC FUTURESAs the International Seed Federation begins to implement their new,five-year goals, Michael Keller and Donald Coles look to a better and brighter future. Alex MartinTO CREATE THEbest environment for theretary general of ISFdecided that the organization global movement of seed and promote plantneeded to further evaluate and clarify its direction in breeding and innovation in seed.order to drive them forward.Thats what Donald Coles says has been top-of- It was for us to start to structure what the main mind this year for the International Seed Federationissues were where we should invest our energy, our (ISF).resources and where we could provide more for our While the vision of ISF hasnt changeda worldmembers, Keller says. We wanted to be able to provide where quality seed is accessible to allColes, ISFtangible output to support business at the same time.president, and the ISF Secretariat have been workingNot only did that mean looking at the goals ISF hard to address and create ISFs new mission state- wanted to achieve, it also meant looking deeper into ment, as well as finalizing 2021-2025s Key Strategicthe organization and ensuring that the vision of ISF Objectives (KSOs).matched what they wanted to achieve.This experience of creating and forming our KSOs has been one of the biggest and most thor-ough reviews that Ive ever been a part of, Coles says, noting that the process went on for over a year as ISFWE NEED TO HAVE A DREAM AS AN INDUSTRY.consulted with their committees, members and the stakeholders in the seed industry. It also, of course, Michael Keller, secretary general of ISFwent through numerous workshops. We had plenty of wordsmithing, creative thinking and debates. But these were all critical features of where weve landed today.Thats the dream, and we need to have a dream as And while it was a long, hard road, ISF landed at itsan industry, Keller says. As a heavily diverse sectorfinal destination to drive their vision and new missionfrom family-owned businesses to multinationals, and statement forward: with five KSOs and numerous sub- then with each business covering such a wide array of objectives pushing them towards the future.cropswe thought it absolutely essential to confirm our dream.A Lengthy and Tedious Process Unanimously, it was agreed that bringing quality Six years ago, Michael Kelleras the new, fresh sec- seed to all farmers to support sustainable agriculture 22/ SEEDWORLD.COMINTERNATIONAL EDITION 2021'