b'LORENA DEANAGRICULTURE ENGINEER, CROP SCIENCE FROM PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA DE CHILE, EUROFINS BIODIAGNOSTICSlorenadean@eurofinsus.comwww.eurofinsus.comA Tribute to Women in AgricultureWOMEN IN LEADERSHIP:Achieving an equal future in aon farms, in labs, and elsewhere, using sustainable technologies COVID-19 World was the theme for the International Womensagainst some of the worlds greatest crop threats. During this Day, which was celebrated this March 8, 2021. The month earlier,year, female IPM scientists shared experiences that contribute the United Nations marked February 11 as the International Dayto food security and strengthen their vital role in science around of Women and Girls in Science. These were two opportuni- the world. One of those scientists is Mossammat Shamsunnahar, ties to celebrate women in their pursuit in fields that have beenprincipal scientific officer in plant pathology at the Bangladesh long dominated by men. Here are a few lines of tribute to all theAgricultural Research Center. Weve developed many technolo-women that work every day in science and agriculture aroundgies women can be involved in regardless of their educational the world to make this world a better place for all.background, economic condition or social status. One of the tech-The relevance of the womans role in agriculture is undeni- nologies is Trichoderma, a naturally occurring fungus that pro-able. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (UNtects plants from disease. Women produce it in their households, FAO) estimates that women constitute 48% of the agriculturalprepare it as compost and either sell it or use it in their fields. labor in low-income countries. In Africa and large parts of Asia,In Eurofins labs where I work, we are making our modest women in rural areas comprise the majority of the agriculturalcontribution to the world of plant and seed health. Thanks to labor force in small-scale and subsistence farming.the talented and hardworking woman on our team, we provide The UN recognizes women in agriculture as critical agents ofsolutions for our clients. We conduct seed testing for companies change, gender equality and womens empowerment as crucialaround the world to ensure that their products are free of seed-elements to ending hunger, malnutrition and poverty.borne pathogens. This supports our clients efforts to move their Women also play a central role in rural economies, naturalseed globally, expediting the exchange of solutions and promot-resource management and food production. Data provided bying their businesses. During this COVID-19 year, our organiza-the International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science,tion faced great challenges. Despite the negative aspects of this Technology and Development (IAASTD) support the idea thatterrible time, the Covif-19 pandemic has taught us the value of the chances of reducing hunger increase when women becomehuman collaboration and of having a diverse and inclusive culture empowered in small-scale agriculture and regional developmentin our company that gives room for womens perspectives. Our systems.team worked more closely than ever, finding creative solutions to While a growing number of women are enrolling in univer- the challenges of these unprecedented times. sities every year, women currently represent only 30% of theI am privileged to work with a group of hardworking women, worlds researchers. At the doctoral level, the number of femaleincluding our wonderful administrative and client service women, graduates drops significantly. lab technicians and lab managers. They continually maintain The Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences has been awardeda positive attitude and are always available to help. Together to women 58 times since 1901. Laureates include Marie Curiethey process the seed and deliver results on time, even when it in 1903 for her contribution to the radiation phenomena andrequires them to make sacrifices in their personal lives. To all of Jennifer A. Doudna in 2020 for developing a new method ofthem, happy International Womens Day. Not just one day but genome editing. Women continue to break new ground in theevery day of the year. Thanks for your contributions to facilitate sciences.and expedite the exchange of healthy seeds worldwide, support-In integrated pest management (IPM), women are thrivinging the efforts to secure food for all.INTERNATIONAL EDITION 2021SEEDWORLD.COM /31'