b'A look at seed industry developments around the globe.Cargill is breaking groundSTATUS AFRICA STATUS AUSTRALIA research and continuing to on a new canola processingThe Alliance for a GreenThe National Oat Breedinggrow and maintain Australias Revolution in Africa (AGRA),Program, backed by jointcompetitive advantage into facility, while Indiawith support from the$5.4 million investment fromthe future.commercializes the SeedGerman DevelopmentAgriFutures Australia andGRDC Managing Director, Coating Technology ofCooperation through KfWthe Grains Research andAnthony Williams, says the Development Bank, and inDevelopment Corporationoutcome was a good exam-PGPR. partnership with the African(GRDC) over five years, willple of how growers, through Management Institute (AMI)be propelled into a new eratheir Research Development and USAIDs Policy LINK,under the leadership of com- Corporations, would be have launched the Centre formercial breeding company,rewarded for upfront risk and African Leaders in AgricultureInterGrain. investment.(CALA). CALA supportsThe $11.5 million commer- As significant cereal sector leaders delivering topcial breeding program willbreeding expertise and national priorities in Africanprovide new varieties for mill- capacity lies in the private agriculture and nutrition secu- ing and hay oats, side-by-side,sector, its fantastic that the rity across the continent. with a broad genetic baseoats industry has developed CALAs learning programsequipped to respond to theto the point where com-fuse together the partner- changing needs of Australianmercial breeding investment ships deep experience ingrowers and exporters. has been attracted, says African leadership and agricul- This program is the onlyWilliams. This is how com-ture transformation. one of its type in the worldmercialisation should work CALAs first leadershipand builds on research inbetween RDCs and industry. program is the highly-selec- hay and milling oat breed- The future looks very bright tive Advanced Leadershiping by the South Australianfor oats in the growing super Programme (accepted appli- Research and Developmentfood market.cations until May 26, 2021)Institute (SARDI), a division of focused on advancing collab- the Department of Primary orative leadership for capacityIndustries and Regions. STATUS CANADAto drive Africas food securityAgriFutures AustraliaCargill will break ground on a and sustainability efforts. Managing Director Johnnew canola processing facility The prestigious 16-monthHarvey acknowledgedin Regina, Sask., to support leadership program will sup- SARDIs leadership andthe growing global demand port delivery-focused leadersimportantly the commitment,for canola products.in government, the privateand achievements of theThe company expects to sector, and civil society withbreeding and technical staff. begin construction on the the practical skills to navigate,Firstly, I would like$350 million project, which coordinate, and better imple- to acknowledge SARDIswill have a similar design to ment solutions to nationalresearch in oat breedingCargills existing Camrose agriculture challenges. for more than 25 years, andfacility, early next year with Initial cohorts will beparticularly for its leadershipplans to be operational by formed from participantsof the National Program sinceearly 2024.from the following coun- 2003. Under SARDIs leader- The company will also tries: Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya,ship, the program has grownupdate and modernize its Malawi, Nigeria, Rwanda,and continued to deliver high- canola facilities in Camrose Tanzania, Uganda. Specialquality grade hay and millingand Clavet over the next 12 consideration will be given tooat varieties for growers. months to increase volume women leaders and individu- AgriFutures looks forwardand broaden capabilities at als working to advance agro- to working with the GRDCboth locations, it announced.ecological practices. and InterGrain, building onWe are confident in the foundation of SARDIsthe continued growth and 86/ SEEDWORLD.COMINTERNATIONAL EDITION 2021'