b'SHAWN BROOKFROM OUR DESK Publisher, Seed World GroupWhen Was the Last Time You Were WOWED?MY FAVORITE PARTof in-personcome together again and recreate thoseGet Excited for Whats to Come events arent the press conferences,plannedand chancemeetings.Watch our Giant Views interviews with the scheduled announcements or evenThis platform provides the opportu- industry leaders to gain critical insights. trying new foodits rubbing elbowsnity to connect with people that we onlyNetworking lounges will provide unstruc-with different people. get to see once or twice a year at events,tured dialogue opportunities to share In our post-pandemic world, canwhile encouraging you to meet newinnovation that inspires and drives you digital events hit the mark? I believepeople who are critical to continuing toand your business forward. at least one can because we have thebuild your businesses.However, Im most excited to help you solution: I am excited to share our all-new,connect with your friends, colleagues, virtual networking event called 2021 Seedcompetitors and, quite possibly, your next World International. Networking digitally might bebig client opportunity. If theres one thing weve all comeThis event is different than any virtual to realize over the past 14 months, itsdifferent, but with the right recipemeeting you have been to and I know you that networking is the key to unlockingits rewarding. And frankly, wemight feel exhausted with your computer success in the global seed industry. and excited to get back to our in-person Think about it: if youre like me, atmust make this format work for themeetings. Were just not there yet. So, every in-person conference you have aforseeable future. until then, this platform is going to be list of target people youd like to connectimpressive, and wont cost you a dime.with. But of course, youre always goingI invite you all to join us, and by the to end up meeting someone who isntend of the event, I want everyone to have on your list. Youll sit down, have aSo, what is it? In a word, networking.solved one major problem that exists in conversation and make a connection. LoCountless colleagues agree, thesetheir world right now. Be ready to come and behold, you have a lot in common. connections are at the cornerstone ofwith conversations about solutions and I, more than anyone, would rather bebuilding businesses. I believe everyonehave conversations about whats possible, shaking hands and giving some big hugshas success stories where they metand what are you excited about. when making these connections, but forsomeone they didnt know they wouldCome with the right attitude to now, Seed World International will give usmeet, and later the relationship wouldmaximize your success in a virtual world.what we need to be successful in a virtualgrow in a mutually beneficial way.I suggest you approach this event event world.And heres a guarantee fromThis unique networking platformas you would an in-person event. If you me: this platform make you say wow! allows you to engage on your own termsprepare for this in the same way, with the with full control of your experience.same rigor and discipline you would for What Should You Expect? So, throw away the teleprompter.an in-person trade show, youre going to Whether Ive known someone forDebate is not just encouraged, but fos- have a great experience.20 years and get to catch up, or Imtered. Were hosting conversations thatMaya Angelou has a quote that says: meeting someone for the first time at thebuild business and were making it easy.Have enough courage to trust love one breakfast line, people are why I got intoLeaders in the global seed industrymore time and always one more time.the seed business. Do you remember theare keen to explore this opportunity,So, what Im asking you folks is to excitement of meeting new people?so we are working hard to bring all thehave enough courage to trust virtual Weve created an interactiveandlearning weve gained over the past year- events one more time, and always one I mean truly interactiveplatform toand-a-half of building virtual engagementmore time.allow the global seed industry to (finally)that exceeds all expectations. Will you join me?SW96/ SEEDWORLD.COMINTERNATIONAL EDITION 2021'