b'A look at seed industry developments around the globe.competitiveness of the canolaseed produced in Canada, upcommercialized the Seednical adviser, he presented processing industry and lookalmost 12,000 acres from theCoating Technology of PGPRcrop cut yield data showing forward to helping farmersyear prior. / beneficial microbes forthat eight of the hybrid rice access increasing marketseeds. The technology wasvarieties in the NRTF demon-demand, says Cargill Canadadeveloped by a team includ- stration site will hit the highest president Jeff Vassart. STATUS EU ing M. Anandaraj, Y.K .Biniyield of 15.6t/ha (dry weight) The new facility is pro- The latest report on pesti- and A.K. Johny. this harvest season.jected to have an annual pro- cide residues in food in theIt is an application ofCrop cutting was done duction capacity of 1 millionEuropean Union is now avail- Exogenous Materials onto thein eight varieties in the demo metric tons and will provideable, giving a snapshot of resi- surface of seeds with the aimsite; three crop cuts (30m2) a consistent and fast pointdue levels found in a basket ofof improving the delivery ofwere done per variety.The of delivery for farmers andproducts widely consumed inactive compounds, viz., plantaverage yield of the eight end users. This investmentthe territory.growth regulators, micronutri- varieties is 12.84 t/ha (fresh) will generate approximately 1A total of 96,302 samplesents and microbial inoculantsand 11.68 t/ha (dry), the lowest million hours of employmentwere analyzed in 2019, 96.1%which can increase the germi- yield is 9.41 t/ha (fresh), and throughout the constructionof which fell within legally per- nation and plant growth. Thethe highest yield is 17.18t/ha phase. Upon completion, themitted levels. For the subsetinvention using Plant Growth(fresh) and 15.6 t/ha (dry), he company expects the facilityof 12,579 samples analysed asPromoting Rhizobacteria andsays.will add approximately 50 full- part of the EU-coordinatedits preparation help in storingAt 14% moisture, the esti-time positions. control program (EUCP), 98%the viability of seeds and tomated average net profit per The Regina, Camrose andwere within legal limits. maintain the coated organ- hectare is P152,088, if sold for Clavet projects build upon theThe coordinated pro- isms in a buffered state. P16.50, which is the buying companys work to modernizegram covers similar basketsThe process prevents theprice in Isabela.and expand capacity acrossof products on a three-yearseed desiccation and ensuresObien clarified that its North American oilseedsrotation, which means upwardprotection against environ- DA-PhilRice and SL Agritechs network. In March, Cargillor downward trends can bemental stress. It also protectsvarieties are not yet included announced a series of otheridentified for specific goods.the seed against storagein the crop cut yield data.projects across its U.S. soySo, compared to 2016, thepests which, in turn, enhances[We] should take note processing facilities, valued atexceedance rate fell forthe longevity of the seedsnow that planting hybrid rice $475 million dollars. peaches (from 1.9% to 1.5%),ensuring the enhanced germi- is really profitable. The aver-Canola demand is indeedlettuce (2.4% to 1.8%), applesnation and helps the emerg- age yield of 11.68t/ha (dry) is increasing globallyalthough(2.7% to 2.1%) and tomatoesing seedling to establish withalmost three times higher than canola acreage has remained(2.6% to 1.7%). the help of the introducedthe national average of 4.03t/fairly steady over the pastExceedances rose fororganisms on the seeds. Dueha, he says.decade, total productionstrawberries (1.8% to 3.3%),to the enhanced viabilityThe 100-ha hybrid rice has increased because ofhead cabbages (1.1% to 1.9%),quantity of seed required isdemonstration farm is man-increases in average yield,wine grapes (0.4% to 0.9%)low and the enhanced pri- aged by Fidel Ramos of according to the Canolaand swine fat (0.1% to 0.3%).mary growth results reducedDA-PhilRice branch station Council of Canada. TheAs in 2016, no exceedancesweed growth. in Isabela with assistance of industrys goal is to increasewere found in cows milk. the provincial LGU of Isabela average yields to 52 bushels/ and the city of Cauayan, DA acre to meet global marketSTATUS PHILIPPINES National Rice Program, and demand of 26 million tons bySTATUS INDIA The National Rice TechnologyDA Region II. The main spon-2025. For a Seed CoatingForums (NRTF) hybridsor is the Rice Board, an asso-Canola seed produc- Composition and its prepa- rice demonstration site inciation of seed companies.tion has steadily increasedration, the ICAR-IndianCauayan, Isabela is estimatedBefore the Isabela demon-over the years. According toInstitute of Spices Research,to hit the highest yield thisstration site for this 12th NRTF, numbers from the CanadianKozhikode, Kerala hasquarter. there were 100-ha demon-Seed Growers Association,received Patent (350698).In a report by Santiagostration sites in Valencia, in 2020 there were 65,654The Institute has successfullyR. Obien, Department ofBukidnon; and Butuan City, acres of pedigreed canoladeveloped, field-tested andAgricultures (DA) senior tech- Agusan del Norte. SW88/ SEEDWORLD.COMINTERNATIONAL EDITION 2021'