b"seed they buy is actually just dyed grainusually feed grain.NATIONAL PERSPECTIVE That not only means the farmer wont get the seed treatment protection they think they are paying for, it also means they wont get the yield or even the variety they expect. Were trying to work with the government and with the seed chain, mostly through communications, so they can understand why its so important to buy seed from authorized distributors, she says. Because in the end, the one who loses the most from seed piracy is the grower.Mexico: Asociacin Mexicana Communication is Critical de Semilleros (AMSAC) While most of Ortiz role focuses on advocating up to govern-ment, she is well aware of the vital necessity of building advo-cates, especially for new breeding techniques, amongst farmersMario Puente, Executive Directorand in the wider general population too.amsac.org.mxIt cannot only be the industry pushing for change. We need as much help as we can get, she says.Thats why, alongside its regulatory advocacy work, AMSACSW: Can you describe AMSAC?focuses on two other primary avenues to meaningful change:Puente: AMSAC has a membership communications and education. of 90 companies, increasing by 15 We are trying to tackle those threeregulatory, communi- new companies in the last three years. cation and educationbecause we know it is necessary. It's notAMSAC companies represent around only regulation, regulation, regulation; you also need to balance80% of the improved seed market in the public opinion, she says. Mexico and generate close to 100,000 To that end, AMSAC has begun hosting symposiums anddirect jobs and 300,000 indirect jobs. workshops for journalists, students and the public on topics likeThe value of the seed market in Mexico the value of new breeding techniques. The organization has alsois estimated at US$1 billion per year.invested in developing digital materials for use on channels like Facebook, YouTube, X (Twitter) and Instagram with the goal ofSW: What are AMSACs key spreading short, simple messages about seeds and seed pro- priorities? duction to the public. Puente: Our top three priorities are:We have come to realize that people normally don't think1. To continue to be recognized as the about where their food and their clothes come from, Ortiz says.benchmark for everything related to We are trying to start from the very basic idea that everythingimproved seeds in Mexico, especially comes from seeds.since recently, in June 2024, Mexico had its presidential elections for a new Looking towards the future government administration. Mario Puente, AMSAC Executive Director.Ortiz is passionate about helping build effective, modern proce-dures to move seeds in a safe, simple way. Her commitment to2. To improve the regulatory environment for seed production that effort will hopefully have positive, profound and long-termand trade through three lines of action:impact across the entire Mexican seed value chain.a) s trengthening the intellectual property framework for plant Many of the laws that our regulations are based on are morevarieties to align with international principles and encouraging than 20 years old, she says. Agriculture and the country areresearch and development of new plant varieties in Mexico.not the same as they were 25 or 30 years ago. In the end, I thinkb) i mplementing joint actions with the authorities to reduce seed what [the seed sector and what the government] want is thepiracy and raise awareness and inspection.same, and we have the same concerns. For example, plant healthc)working with the government to improve the phytosanitary wise, their job is to safeguard the country from the negativeframework and facilitate the international movement of seeds.impact of pests. Our objective is to bring healthy, quality seeds to the growers. We just need to work together to develop a3. To support the government in the development of an future that is good for everyone.SW appropriate regulatory framework for products obtained through new plant breeding techniques, which allow new varieties to be obtained that offer benefits to farmers in the face of climate change and the population's demand for food.6/ SEEDWORLD.COMLATAM"