b'Support Your MicrobiomeYear-Round: From Seed to Stubble SHAWN BROOKPRESIDENT, SEED WORLD GROUPsbrook@seedworldgroup.comIF YOU WANTto provide yourunder-studied spheres. The phyl- seedworldgroup.comfarm with year-round support,losphere is a harsh environment@SeedWorldGroupthere are four spheres you needfor a microbe to live in, and it is to know about: spermosphere,the only sphere that interacts with rhizosphere, phyllosphere andthe plant, microbiome and atmos-detritusphere. From seed to stub- phere. Consider a foliar application ble, healthy and active microbesof beneficial bacteria and fungi,Is it Soccer or Football?in each sphere support higheralong with a labile carbon-rich food yield potential. Feeding even onesource, to support leaf microbes.THIS QUESTION ISconsidered absolute blasphemy sphere a superior food source canThis single application, combinedby the majority of the world but not to everyone. It is help the other spheres, too, andwith fungicides or micronutrients,the same situation when we are sharing any message increase your crops yield potential.provides the energy microbes needwith a large, diversified audiencewhat is the RIGHT The Spermosphere (Theto reduce abiotic stress in yourway to tell your story? It depends on who you want to Seed): This sphere is the mostcrops.hear it! impactful to seeds. The sper- The Detritusphere (TheI work with a lot of companies that are expanding mosphere is 0.1 to 0.2 areaResidue): At seasons end, growerswith either new products or into new geographies and around the seed and its firstmust decide how to manage post- nothing creates more learning opportunities (the interaction with the real world. Toharvest residue. Consider pairingpositive way of saying, places to make mistakes) than supercharge your spermosphere,your burn down with a microal- thinking that the entire world thinks, listens, decides consider adding a seed-focusedgae carbon product to wake upand buys the same way you do. labile carbon product to feedmicrobes that can help break downCrafting a story with the listener in mind is critical hungry microbes on and aroundresidue. This method has beento creating their listening. What is important to them? the seed.shown to reduce residue massWhat cultural norms dictate how the majority of your The Rhizosphere (The Root):by 23%increasing soil tempera- audience in a specific geography will listen to what you The spermosphere then trans- ture and planting on average byhave to say?forms into the rhizosphere and5 degrees F. Breaking down yourRecently, I had a call with a client dissatisfied with begins supporting your seed, rootsstubble provides your next croptheir websites performance. After an audit, we found and plant. An active and healthywith a slow release nutrient source.that while their website was resonating well with their microbiome in the rhizosphereThis means it feeds the microbesaudience in Western Europe, it was missing the mark can improve water retention, soilin the spermosphere, rhizospherein Eastern Europe. It became apparent that they were aggregate structure and nutrientwhich supports a healthy phyllo- using the same content and format for two very differ-cycling. Unfortunately, 75% of soilsphere. Each sphere is unique andent audiences with distinct expectations. microbes in farm soils are eitherhas its own distinctions. The micro- They needed to remember that Google reviews dormant or inactive due to starva- bial ecosystem is just like other bio- their content before potential clients can find it. tion from not being fed a proper,logical systems on our planetoneTherefore, their content must match what Google is well-rounded food source. To wakeaction can impact the rest! looking for to reach their target audience. With some up the microbes in the rhizosphere,crucial tweaks to language, image adjustments, and consider feeding your beneficialformattingnot wholesale changesthey saw their microbes a soil health labile carbontraffic reach or exceed targeted levels in Eastern product so they can assist yourEurope within six months. crops. What was interesting is they made similar tweaks The Phyllosphere (The Leaf):to the Western European countries sites as well and The phyllosphere is one of the mostsaw an almost doubling of traffic and engagement on those sites. We must remember that our target audi-ence does not wake up in the morning hoping to find youthey wake up with their issues and their problems that need to be solved. So, I ask you to think about CASSIDY MILLION how your audience wants to hear the information that VP OF AG SCIENCE OF HELIAEyou want to share with them BEFORE you push it out AGRICULTURE into the world AND see the massive difference in the www.phycoterra.com results!LATAMSEEDWORLD.COM /27'