b"though not impossible, Ortiz says. She and AMSAC have had to tread lightly owing to the complexity of the political environment in the country.There's a certain hesitance and a need for bigger commit-ment [by government], because for six years we have heard that the moment is not right, Ortiz says.Now, however, there may finally be real opportunity for change. Mexico just went through national elections. As the countrys president can only hold office for a single term, it was guaranteed that there would be a change of office. Both primary contenders for the top position indicated notably more openness to regulatory improvement. We know it's very complicated. It's been a long time, but we havent lost hope, Ortiz says. What we heard is that the party leaders from both sides are not opposed to what we are advo-cating for. They are in favor of technology, and they're willing to listen to us and to work with us. I think that it will make a big difference.GMOs Versus New Breeding TechniquesOne of outgoing President Obradors campaign promises back in 2021 was that Mexico would not grow GMOs. Obrador issued a decree banning the use of GM corn for human consumption and instructed the gradual substitution GM corn used for animal feed. For now, the topic remains mired in debate within the USMCA. One group very intentionally not talking about the subject, however, is AMSAC. Though it seems an obvious advocacy topic for AMSAC and Ortiz to wade into, its one she says they steer very intentionally clear of. We dont have anything against GMOs. They are a super powerful, useful technology, Ortiz says. But we are strategically focusing our efforts on the promotion of new breeding tech-niques and being the reference on that topic instead. Seed PiracyRegulatory change is not the only advocacy work Ortiz keepsMarlene Ortiz role is to her attention on. She is also engaged in other priority efforts,advocate for science-based including tackling seed piracy.regulations around importing Seed piracy, unfortunately, has been increasing over time inand exporting seeds, plant Mexico. Anyone who doesnt buy seed from an authorized, certi- breeding innovation and fied, professional distributor runs a growing risk that the treatedintellectual property.LATAMSEEDWORLD.COM /5"