b"See you in Buenos AiresSeed Congress of the Americas aims to unite industry for growth and collaboration. Elena Mansur, Seed World LATAM Associate EditorTHE 9TH SEEDCongress of the Americas, scheduled toings offers important rewards. These events are opportunities to take place from Sept. 30 to Oct. 2 in Buenos Aires, Argentina,connect with like-minded individuals, discover cutting-edge tech-is in its final planning stages. The event aims to bring togethernologies, and engage in discussions that shape the future of seed the seed value chain from across the Americas and beyondproduction, distribution, innovation and regulation. By bringing to discuss innovation, policy, collaboration, and knowledgetogether research, breeding, production, trade, and regulatory exchange. sectors, seed industry events create fertile grounds for collabora-The value of the Congress is in its member countries. Thetion and creative problem-solving. Diverse representation offers Seed Association of the Americas (SAA) is, as you know, Northmultiple perspectives and opportunities to discuss solutions America, Central America, and South America, so the Congresstailored to the unique challenges faced by different regions and brings together to the same place and at the same time peopleparts of the seed value chain.from all along the seed value chain, both from the private sectorRisso says a prime example of the Congress fostering collabo-and the official sector, to influence the future of our industry. Itsration occurred at the 2021 Congress in Uruguay. At that event, a unique opportunity for people to participate, says Diego Risso,Canada and Chile conducted a joint initiative to address the executive director of the SAA, which is the Congress coordinat- importance of contra-season production. The Congress proved ing organization. a platform to bring together regulatory officials and seed people The conference will focus on several key themes. Not surpris- from both countries to talk about how to improve, both in terms ingly, top of the list is gene editing. of business and regulations, to make the movement of seeds LATAM has become a reference for the world in gene edit- safer, more transparent and smoother.ing because governments have been strongly supporting policiesIn a one-day meeting, [they] could solve huge problems and based on science in order to facilitate new genomic techniques.save a lot of money in [their] seed businesses. This example: we The Congress has become a reference when you want to learnhave many, says Risso. about gene editing regulatory frameworks, technology pipelinesMario Schindler, executive director of ANPROS, Chile's and intellectual property relating to genetic techniques, Risso says.national seed association, underlines the significance of the Diversity and globalization of the seed industry will be anotherCongress being held in the Americas, noting that this inherent priority topic, enabled thanks to the diversity of attendees. distinction provides regional stakeholders with the opportunity to Diversity is an asset that we have, Risso says. Diversityconvene and exchange ideas.in terms of countries; [diversity] in terms of participants fromOne of the Seed Congress of the Americas unique aspects research to breeding, to production, trade, regulatory; and diver- is its ability to effectively bridge the gap between the private sity in terms of medium, small, national, international companies.sector and the regulators, he says. The mature and profes-[We will be] bringing all this diversity to the same table to discusssional approach taken by the SAA facilitates constructive a common agenda to try and find solutions to the burning issuesdialogues and reaching agreements on various issues, by engag-the seed industry faces today.ing with the public sector through its four working groups: Whether you're a seasoned expert or new to the seed indus- Intellectual Property, Seed Treatment, Biotechnology & PBI, and try, attending conventions, workshops and other industry gather- Phytosanitary Issues.SW10/ SEEDWORLD.COMLATAM"