b'Put Your Life in ROBERTO SPADADIRECTOR OF MARKETING AT Airplane Mode STANDARD BIOTOOLSstandardbio.comroberto.spada@standardbio.comBUZZ-BUZZ, DING, RING- here and ding there and my entire RING.We live in a world oftrain of thought got derailed. ItNew Kid on the Block constant interruption. Its so com- drove me crazy!monplace that you probably dontI now turn off notifications whenRevolutionizes GMO Testingeven notice anymore.But make noI am in planning meetings, review-mistake, those little dings, buzzesing complex contracts, and doing and rings are keeping you fromanything that requires deep andGENETICALLY MODIFIEDorganisms (GMOs) offer being fully present and disruptinguninterrupted thinkingyes, evenhuge opportunity in agriculture, but they bring with your train of thinking. while working on articles like thisthem significant regulatory, compliance and testing It happens to me too. My watchone. challenges. To meet marketability standards, sup-is connected to my phone. I haveThinking that you need everyport international trade, and keep consumers on-side, app notifications silenced, but everypiece of information right now is anagriculture needs efficient, cost-effective, scalable email, text and phone call create aeasy trap to fall into. The reality ismethods for GMO detection in food, feed and seeds. light vibration on my wrist. With athat spending more time in uninter- Theres a new type of genomics technology available glance, I can determine if I need torupted thought will do a lot more tothat offers exactly thatyou might have heard of the answer the buzz or if it can be leftadvance your career, company andBiomark X9 System for high-throughput genomics, until I have more time to respond.even your personal life than gettingwhich delivers comprehensive sample profiling for Pretty convenient, right? every notification at every moment. PCR and genotyping by sequencing studies with mini-Well, sort of. What Ive learned isAllowing time for deep, uninter- mal operator contribution. That same system has the that I need to turn the notificationsrupted thought is the greatest lifepotential to revolutionize GMO detection via its unique off a lot more often. I was giving ahack ever. Think about this while atamplicon-based sequencing approach.speech a few years ago and barelyfamily dinner, giving an employeeThis approach offers several key advantages over a minute into it, a group text blewreview, talking to customers abouttraditional methods like qPCR:up after a seed industry announce- their needs and participating in a Highly multiplexed: the BioMark X9 can analyze a ment was made. Im speaking to aplanning meeting. Staying uninter- large number of GMO targets simultaneously, saving group of nearly 100 people and myrupted will give you an incredibletime and resources compared to single target meth-wrist is about to catch fire as eightedge over those who just cant liveods.people weigh in on every detail ofwithout knowing that their aunt just Increased sensitivity: the Biomark X9 can detect the announcement. It was awful.commented on your cousins socialGMOs present at very low levels, even in complex mix-I now put my phone in airplanemedia post from three weeks ago. tures.mode about 15 minutes before Improved specificity: the BioMark X9 reduces the I give any speech. This also hasrisk of false positives by targeting specific sequences helped keep me in the right mind- unique to GMOs.set as I dont get distracted by a Broader applicability: The BioMark X9 can identify last-minute email. a wider range of GMO events, including those not yet This same phenomenondocumented in reference databases.occurred while I was doing tasks Streamlined workflow: The BioMark X9 offers that required deep thinking. A buzzautomated library preparation and sequencing for increased efficiency.This technology has the potential to be a game-changer for various stakeholders. For food, feed and seed producers, it would ensure the accuracy and transparency of their labeling practices, and it would JIM SCHWEIGERT also benefit consumers, giving them greater confi-PRESIDENT, GRO ALLIANCE dence in the information provided on food labels. jim.schweigert@groalliance.com Intrigued? Check out this website or contact us at groalliance.com education.team@standardbio.com.@jim_schweigert26/ SEEDWORLD.COMLATAM'