b'From left to right: Alejandra Ferenczi, Virginia Guardia, Diego Risso, and Agustn Damboriarena.The decree does not entail a specific authorization; instead, it defines a procedure for assessing whether a product is con-sidered GMO. This is done through a Technical Working Group (TWG) with specialists from various institutions and that may include additional experts as needed. The entire process isIt is an achievement for Uruguay to reach this transparent and seeks to ensure the scientific traceability of the evaluations. resolution, aligning our country with other countries The approval of gene editing in Uruguay was a long pro- at the forefront of new technologies. cess of many years for several reasons. Since 2016, the country had begun to observe regulatory developments in the LatinAgustn DamboriarenaAmerican region, especially in Argentina. The General Directorate of Biosafety and Food Safety (DIGEBIA) of the MGAP initiated an intensive training process to understand these developments scientific and technical complexities, participating in events LATAMSEEDWORLD.COM /13'