b'NATIONAL PERSPECTIVE Peru: Asociacin Peruana de Semillas (APESEMILLAS)Julio Vivas, Executive Directorapesemillas.comSW: Can you describe APESemillas?Vivas: The association has 20 members, including seed pro-ducers, researchers, exporters and importers from all over the country, representing 87.2% of seed imports and 65.2% of seed exports. In addition, APESemillas is in the process of including small seed producers in its representation, so that they can have a space to communicate their different needs and problems, consolidating APESemillas as a key player in both the national and international seed market.We are pleased to announce my appointment as APESemillas new Executive Director. APESemillas is committed to continuously supporting and strengthening the Peruvian seed sector.SW: What are APESemillas key priorities? Vivas: APESs main priority is to promote technological innova-tion and sustainability in seed production, ensuring access and availability of high-quality seeds for the domestic market and for export, contributing to the growth of the agricultural sector and food security. We believe that Peru has favorable natural conditions, like our climate, soil, and others, that allow us to stra-tegically produce contra-season seeds. Currently, we have a sus-tainable growth in exports of hybrid seeds, generating revenues of around 87 million dollars.All this will be achieved through the work carried out by its various technical committees, which interact with different strategic stakeholders and deal with key issues such as access to international markets, regulatory affairs and procedures, biotech-nology, and innovative plant breeding, among others.SW: What are APESemillas key challenges? Vivas: APESemillas faces challenges such as the need for greater production and availability of quality seeds, as well as a dynamic and adequate national seed system that guarantees the produc-tion, research and marketing of certified seeds, accompanied by standards that create an enabling environment for the develop-ment of the sector; and the introduction of new technologies for innovative plant breeding. For APESemillas, it is crucial to promote collaboration among the different actors in the sector to achieve sustainable agribusiness growth. SW Julio Vivas, APESemillas Executive Director.28/ SEEDWORLD.COMLATAM'