b'although its development has been underway for years, is new in its practical application. This will allow researchers and com-panies to work with greater certainty and promote innovative solutions to Uruguay\'s specific problems."Guardia stressed that biotechnological solutions in Uruguay, such as gene editing, are vital to address the countrys specific challenges. Unlike global crops such as soybeans and corn, For us, as representatives of the Ministry of Uruguay has a strong focus on its grass-based production and forages, which are essential to its production systems. Agriculture, it is crucial that producers have"International biotech solutions are not always developed secure options. Without a regulation, innovationto meet our needs. That\'s why our focus is on different materi-als, such as forage crops, concentrating on disease control and is not possible. This regulation allows us to work insect resistance, adapted to our local conditions," she explained. The approval of the gene editing norm in Uruguay repre-with new technologies, opening up positivesents a turning point towards agricultural innovation, promising opportunities for the sector.dynamism, greater product offerings and a better position in the international market. Guardia underscored the advantages of this Alejandra Ferenczi regulation in enhancing Uruguayan producers\' competitiveness in the global market. In Guardias words, "Our producers compete internationally, and it is crucial that they have access to the same technologi-cal tools as their competitors. In addition, Uruguay now has the opportunity to become a regional innovation center, attracting investments and developing new biotech products.""For us, as representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, it is crucial that producers have secure options. Without a regula-tion, innovation is not possible. This regulation allows us to work with new technologies, opening up positive opportunities for the sector," said Ferenczi.This type of new technology promises other significant bene-fits, too, such as reduced costs and greater speed and efficiency in developing new varieties. organized by the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on"We believe that this is a tool that will promote the democrati-Agriculture (IICA) and MERCOSUR commissions. The processzation of the technology, enabling companies to offer innovative included exchanges with regulators, scientists, and other relevantproducts with faster processes and specific objectives at more actors, adjusting the findings to the Uruguayan context. accessible costs, compared, for example, with GMOs. And the As DIGEBIA developed draft regulations, it worked in collab- impact is not limited only to plants, as it also includes the use of oration with Uruguays Ministry of Environment, which involvedmicroorganisms and animals, which will benefit the entire agricul-numerous exchanges and adjustments. Unlike other countriestural system," Damboriarena added.facing urgent crises, such as the threat of banana extinctionThis new regulatory framework not only aligns Uruguay with in Costa Rica, Uruguay did not have a pressing situation thatother countries that are advanced in biotechnology, but also accelerated the process, allowing a slower and more detailedboosts the development of innovative solutions for the agricul-elaboration.tural sector, benefiting both local producers and the country\'s economy in general.Benefits of the New Regulation As Damboriarena reflects, "We are happy to have this regula-Guardia highlighted the regulation\'s potential to unlock newtion in place as it aligns us with other countries in terms of the opportunities in the sector: "We believe that this regulation is apossibilities of using the technology, and we are confident that milestone because it provides clear rules for a technology that,we will see positive results in the near future."SW14/ SEEDWORLD.COMLATAM'