b'an important step towards ensuring the long-termUSDA Greenlights Bioengineered Hemp with protection of the countrys major food crops. GhanaEnhanced Medicinal Propertiesjoins 15 other institutions, including one other first- The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recently time depositorthe Bonn University Botanic Gardensapproved the cultivation of bioengineered hemp, (Germany)in safeguarding duplicates of their seedknown as Badger G, which has been genetically modi-collections inside the Vault. Nestled in an Arctic moun- fied to increase levels of medicinal ingredients while tain on the remote island of Spitsbergen, the Svalbardreducing psychoactive compounds. The Animal and Global Seed Vault safeguards over 1.2 million seedPlant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) concluded samples, making it the worlds largest collection ofthat this enhanced hemp variety is unlikely to pose a crop diversity at a single location.greater plant pest risk compared to traditionally culti-vated plants.Tel Aviv University Researchers HarnessCRISPR Technology for Water-EfficientTomato CultivationThis innovation addresses the criticalResearchers at Tel Aviv University announced a break-through in agricultural science. They are developingchallenge of increasing plant yields undertomato varieties that maintain yield while consumingdry conditions, a growing concern amid global less water, thanks to CRISPR genetic editing technol-ogy. This innovation addresses the critical challenge ofwarming and the decreasing availability of increasing plant yields under dry conditions, a grow- freshwater resources.ing concern amid global warming and the decreasing availability of freshwater resources. The team said that due to global warming and the diminishing of freshwater resources, there is a growing demand forUSDA/APHIS Grants Amfora Exemption for its agricultural crops that consume less water withoutPatented, Gene-Edited, Ultra-High Protein Soy, compromising yield.Accelerating Path to MarketThe USDAs APHIS has granted Amfora an exemp-UN General Assembly Declares 2026 astion, determining that their soybeans are not subject International Year of the Woman Farmer to regulations in 7 CFR Part 340, allowing them to be The UN General Assembly declared 2026 as themarketed without further USDA review. This accel-International Year of the Woman Farmer. The USDAerates the path to commercialization for Amforas spearheaded the resolution and garnered more thanultra-high protein soybeans, providing a scalable, 100 co-sponsors, emphasizing the global impor- low-cost, high-density protein source. This decision is tance of uplifting women in agriculture. The initiativetimely, given the urgent need for sustainable protein recognizes the critical role of women in agriculture,production to meet global demand while reducing who produce up to 80% of food in some regions.environmental impact. Amfora plans to apply this pat-Additionally, it seeks to elevate womens leadershipented technology to other food and feed crops, such positions and increase their representation in decision- as peas, legumes, rice, and wheat, expecting similar making processes.exemptions from the USDA for these crops.USDA to Keep the Potato Classified asEPA Proposes Acephate BanVegetable, Not a Grain The EPA proposed restricting the use of the pesticide U.S. Senator Susan Collins received a call from U.S.acephate, keeping only its application in tree injec-Department of Agriculture Secretary Thomas Vilsack,tions. This follows last years updated human health who informed her that the USDA will officially sup- risk assessment, which highlighted significant dietary port maintaining potatoes classification as a veg- risks from acephate in drinking water. The EPA aims etable, rather than a grain. The decision followed theto address further risks to workers, homeowners, and bipartisan letter she led with Senator Michael Bennetthe environment with these proposed restrictions. (D-CO) opposing any reclassification of potatoes as aAcephate, an organophosphate pesticide, is utilized in grain instead of a vegetable or including recommen- various settings, including agricultural applications on dations that potatoes and grains are interchangeablecrops like cotton and soybeans, and non-agricultural as changes to the Dietary Guidelines for Americanscontexts such as forestry and residential ant mound (DGAs) are being considered. treatments. SWLATAMSEEDWORLD.COM /39'