b"Without this adherence, Argentina could become a user rather than a developer of agricultural technology. Nicols Gearintellectual property or farm-saved seeds. Although they seem2. Broad Support: The adherence bill was supported by 31 related, they are separate issues that often get mixed up, gener- chambers, an unprecedented achievement for this debate.ating confusion and misinformation, and often leading to fruit- 3. I nvolvement of Authorities: Yolanda Huerta, Deputy Secretary less debates. It is important to direct the discussion towards theGeneral of UPOV and INASE authorities showed their willing-recognition of intellectual property and the need for clear regula- ness to get involved and discuss the issue with users.tions as benefits that ensure better profitability for farmers. 4.Participation of Senior Officials: The Secretary of 6. Autonomy in Seed Production: As Paseyro explained,Agriculture, with ministerial rank, presented arguments Harvesting and saving seeds is a deep-rooted tradition inbefore the Commission of Lower House of Representatives, Argentinas agricultural culture that is unlikely to change. Despitesomething that had never happened before.being an exception in UPOV 91 that countries can adhere to or5.Support from INTA: The National Institute of Agricultural not, cultural issues often prevail over the regulations. In practice,Technology (INTA) got involved with a positive stance.Argentine farmers consider it as a right. 6. Participation of both growers and breeders in this debate.7. Need for a Clear Legal Framework: A well-defined and coherent legal framework is crucial to provide legal certainty forBenefits of Argentinas Adherence to UPOV 91both breeders and farmers. Gear stressed that In the currentBasso, Gear and Paseyro remain hopeful that Argentina will regulatory framework, production and breeding are included,adopt improved seed laws eventually. Adhering to UPOV 91 but it does not clarify, as UPOV 91 does, whether it means forwould offer multiple benefits. commercial purposes. This creates confusion. According to Paseyro, shifting to UPOV 91 would position the 8. Innovation and Competitiveness in the Seed Industry:country favorably at the international level, attracting foreign Intellectual property protection should encourage innovationinvestment by providing clarity and confidence in intellectual without restricting competition, ensuring that farmers haveproperty protection.access to quality seeds. According to Basso, an important lessonBasso pointed out that UPOV 91 creates a more secure and is how restrictions by foreign companies affect the quality oftransparent environment for investment in agricultural research products imported into Argentina. Some companies limit theand development, making it possible to duplicate the productiv-shipment of high-quality products to avoid copying, leaving theity of some varieties and add competitive improvements. This Argentine market with inferior options. This problem could begenerates a virtuous circle of investment and direct benefits for solved with better regulation, allowing an improvement in theagricultural producers.quality of imported seeds. Gear stressed that UPOV 91 would ensure that increased 9. International Cooperation for Productive Growth: Whileinvestment in agricultural technology will yield more competitive it is beneficial to align with international standards, policiescrops, facilitating returns on investment. This would align with must be tailored to the countrys specific conditions and needs.Argentinas 1973 Law that promotes the efficient production and According to Gear, Argentina should see this as both a challengeprotection of plant breeding achievements. Economic benefits and a source of pride, as joining UPOV 91 can boost agriculturalinclude higher yields and better-quality seeds for producers. production. The modernization of the regulatory framework, car- Without this adherence, Argentina could become a user rather ried out with the participation of producers and users, is essentialthan a developer of agricultural technology.for improving the seed sector.10. Continuing Education and Training: For Paseyro, oneLooking Forwardimportant lesson is the need to continue bringing visibility to theArgentina is uniquely positioned to use these lessons and significance of adhering to UPOV 91, having a strategy of liaisondevelop a fair, innovative, sustainable agricultural and seed and negotiation with users while being aware of their differentsystem. While these efforts were insufficient to achieve positions, and continuing to educate on the technical issuesArgentinas adherence to UPOV 91 this time, they are valuable involved to ensure that they have all the necessary arguments toprecedents that show significant progress and establish a foun-face this negotiation. dation upon which to build.Basso, Gear, and Paseyro agree that the road ahead demands What was achieved because of the UPOV 91 debate a strategic vision, meticulous implementation, and a steadfast Though UPOV 91 was not passed in Argentina, the debatecommitment to promoting innovation, competitiveness, and did bring about some valuable results. Paseyro highlighted sixinternational cooperation, fundamental aspects that must steer important benefits: the sector's future development. By doing so, the country will 1. Visibility of the issue: Although the issue was not resolved, itbe able to ensure a prosperous and sustainable future for the was placed in the public agenda. agricultural sector and future generations.SW18/ SEEDWORLD.COMLATAM"