b'Embarking on a New Chapter Dear Readers, of topics, from how genetics can create new varie-With great enthusiasm, I want to extend my warmestties that increase yield, resist drought and pests, taste greetings to you! I am the newly appointed associatebetter, and be more competitive to how critical it is also editor of Seed World LATAM. Joining the Seed Worldto consider the impacts on the environment. Another Group team is an honor and a pleasure. Most impor- question weve spent a lot of time discussing is: who tantly, its the perfect intersection of my passions forwill fund these advancements? Should producers carry agriculture and cross-cultural communication. Imthe weight of funding them, or is more public funding delighted to contribute to advancing Seed Worldthe answer? If so, how can the LATAM seed industry as Groups mission of leading the global seed sectora whole and regional associations advocate for those BY ELENA MANSURforward through a platform that fosters the exchangedollars? I look forward to digging deeper into these Associate Editor, of knowledge, ideas, and innovations. LATAM is a criti- issues and exploring viable solutions.Seed World LATAM cal part of the global seed sector, and Im incrediblyThats the plant breeding side. The other piece I excited to help tell its unique stories. bring to the table is the ability to communicate across Ive been immersed in plant breeding since I was aborders: geographic, language, and cultural borders. child. My familys business, Mansur Agricultural Service,Ive got a bachelors in Humanities and Linguistics from a plant breeding consultancy headed by my father, Dr.the University Adolfo Ibaez in Chile and a masters Levi Mansur, specializes in contra-season plant breed- in Cross-cultural communication from the University ing and research services in central Chile. I literallyof Sydney, Australia. This academic background has grew up in the business: my very first job at the age ofhoned my understanding of the intricacies of human 14 was hand-crossing soybeans. Those early days notcommunications across diverse cultural contexts. That only kindled my enthusiasm for agriculture but alsounderstandingenhanced by my fluency in four helped cultivate an appreciation for the multifacetedlanguagesgives me the skills I need to effectively complexities and boundless possibilities of creatingcommunicate the opportunities and challenges of Latin new genetics for a changing world. Little did I knowAmericas seed industry.that this early experience would lay the foundation forAs I step into this role for Seed World LATAM, I see my future in the seed industry. By 2014, I stepped intomyself as a conduit for cultural exchange and dialogue a communications role for the family company, gain- among seed-related stakeholders from both the north-ing first-hand knowledge over the last decade of theern and southern hemispheresa bridge between regulatory complexities, partnership opportunities, anddisparate cultures, languages, and perspectives. myriad details concerning plant breeding in LATAM.Seed World LATAM, available in Spanish and English, As I start my new role as associate editor of Seedembodies our commitment to nurturing meaningful World LATAM, Ive wasted no time and immediatelyinteractions within and across the seed industry. started to reach out to some of Latin Americas seed I embark on this new chapter with Seed World leaders to explore the key issues and stories from ourLATAM with a sense of purpose and optimism. region. Some with decades of experience were keenTogether, we have the power to cultivate a brighter to emphasize the evolution the whole seed industryfuture for agriculture in Latin America and beyond. I has gone through. One in particular, 99-year-old Dr.extend my genuine gratitude to you, our readers, for Alejandro Violic, was among the very first corn breed- your continued support and engagement. Please feel ers in South America, starting 70 years ago. He notedfree to reach out to me at emansur@seedworldgroup.how technological and scientific advances make thecom with your feedback, ideas, and perspectives.work so much easier for everyone involved and allowI raise a toast to new beginnings, fruitful collabora-crops to reach todays incredible yields. At the sametions, and the boundless possibilities that lie ahead. time, he is concerned that plant breeding today is farHeres to a thriving seed industry and a world united by too business-centric compared to how things werethe common language of seeds.back then. You will find his story in the following pages of this publication.Warm regards,Im so pleased that those Ive talked to from so many different areas of the seed sector have enthusi- Elena Mansurastically welcomed Seed World Groups expansion toAssociate Editor, Seed World LATAMour end of the globe. Weve talked through all kinds'