b'TOP 15MANAGEMENT MAVERICKS OF NORTH AMERICA15 innovative leaders from the United States, Canada and Mexico.By Aimee Nielson, Seed World U.S EditorA Management Maverick breaks away from conventional expectations, showing creativity and originality. This trait can be especially valuable in a seed industry that requires innovation and fresh perspectives. Mavericks are usually unafraid to forge new paths or to challenge the status quo, making them pivotal in driving change and progress in their environments. We asked our readers to nominate leaders in North America with these characteristics. Now, were unveiling those who go beyond the ordinary, those who champion employee well-being and inclusion, those who nurture a culture of mentorship and those who excel in talent retention and career development. In alphabetical order, these are the Top 15 Management Mavericks of North America. SEPTEMBER 2024SEEDWORLD.COM /7'