b'manage Aphanomyces, oneagainst an invasion where theremains the most destructive. of the most harmful patho- pathogen, like an enemy, usesReports from plant patholo-gens in the root rot complexweapons produced in its fac- gists have consistently ranked affecting pulses. The primarytories to bombard the plant.soybean cyst nematode as strategy for controlling itRNA interference (RNAi)the number one yield-robbing involves long-term crop rota- offers a different strategy,pathogen in America, says tions, avoiding peas or lentilsBanniza says.Horacio Lopez-Nicora, a plant for six to eight years or more.Think of RNAi as disruptingpathologist at Ohio State Thats a long time to totallythe machinery in the patho- University. Even when you add stop growing a specific crop,gens factories, preventing itup the yield reduction from she notes. from producing these weap- the next five pathogens, soy-A project shes spear- ons. Without its weapons, thebean cyst nematode still leads heading at the CDC recentlypathogen cannot invade andby a large margin, he notes.received more than $4.2infect the plant. This methodOhio State UniversityTyler Wist is an entomologist million from the Strategictargets the pathogens abilityis a member of The SCNwith Agriculture and Agri-Food Research Initiative (SRI) toto harm the plant at a molecu- Coalition, a public/checkoff/ Canada.discover and develop solu- lar level. private partnership formed to tions for root rot in pea andincrease the number of soy-lentil crops.Staying Ahead of thebean growers who are actively Her team will investigateEnemy managing SCN.biocontrol and other marketTrying to outsmart cleverBut researchers like Lopez-products to see if combiningpests and pathogens is a hardNicora are helping in the fight them with the first genera- game to play, especially whenagainst SCN. Not only are tion of varieties with improvedsaid pathogen is as stealthybest management practices resistance can provide short- as soybean cyst nematodea help (crop rotation is a huge term solutions for farmers,(SCN). The nematode over- one), the first biotech SCN but theyre also delving intowinters as eggs, hatches, andresistance trait was recently the genome to find a newinfects the roots. Like otherannounced. It took years for approach to protecting cropsplant-parasitic nematodes, itresearchers to discover theSabine Banniza is a pulse using RNAi fungicides. Thisgoes through four differentnovel protein that would formpathologist at the University of innovative method could offerstages before becoming anthe basis of the new trait. Saskatchewans Crop a novel way to enhance cropadult.Lopez-Nicora wasntDevelopment Centre.protection. The nematode can infectdirectly involved in developing RNA is a fundamentalthe plant, modify the roots,the new trait, but the work of molecule present in all livingand reduce yield by 15-50%researchers like him has shed organisms. It plays a crucialor more. In the Midwest andenough light on SCN that new role in translating geneticother areas where soybeanstools like this will increasingly information into proteins,are widely planted, this patho- be developed, he says. which are the building blocksgen has adapted to the crop,Researchers are discover-for enzymes, structures, andmaking it a significant prob- ing how different genes work. various other componentslem. Often, there are no visibleWe hope to start combining essential for life. symptoms. Comparing sus- different genes or even silenc-Traditionally, we protectceptible and resistant cultivarsing specific genes with gene plants by breeding resistanceshows no visible differences,editing, he says. into seeds or applying seedyet a 30% yield reduction canThis way, we can create treatments and fungicides.be detected during harvest.more effective resistanceHoracio Lopez-Nicora is a plant This is akin to defendingThis is why this pathogenstrategies. SW pathologist at Ohio State University.ENDORSED BY SEPTEMBER 2024SEEDWORLD.COM /37'