b"PARTNER CONTENTIn this screenshot from the Ocean Titans episode featuring the Nuseed Omega-3 Canola team, Nuseed Nutritional General Manager Benita Boettner observes fish being fed Nuseeds Aquaterra product.Writing on the Wall even worse than anticipated. fishing activity to develop, what we would Back in July, anyone visiting Lima, Peru,In response, authorities decided todo is deplete the resource, said Peru's would see the ships dedicated to anchovycancel the entire first anchovy season.Minister of Production Raul Perez Reyes.fishing were docked. Normally at that timeA critical issue for the ministry is theThe cancellation emphasizes the need of year, thousands of fishermen are typi- preservation of fishing resources. If wefor diversified and reliable sources of cally at sea, engaging in the semi-annualleft at this time and allowed the anchovyomega-3 oil. anchovy catch.As of May 2023, the Peruvian govern-ment began signalling concerns about the\x1fe Power of Omega-3 Canolajeopardy of the first anchovy season of the year. This has been closely monitored by the industry, given that Peru's waters con- Omega-3 Canola currently representsbased plant for the first time. Its a tribute 20% of the global omega-3 oil sup- a niche market, but its significancereal achievement.ply. Any disruptions in the supply chainis growing, particularly in the face of could lead to increased prices for omega-3climate change, says Mark Jackson,Jackson further emphasizes the oil, affecting both the aquaculture and hu- General Manager for Nuseedpositive impact on Nuseeds man nutrition industries. Americas.contracted growers, noting Global supply chain disruptions havethat Nuseeds Omega-3 Canola become a sensitive issue for the omega-3The recent cancellation of theProduction System enables the industry, driven by rising demand, cli- anchovy season in Peru is just onefarmer to use their land to bolster mate change, and the more frequent andexample underscoring the urgencysustainability.for alternatives, as traditional sources intense El Nio conditions. These factorsfrom the ocean are dwindling. ThisWe've got great genetics, yields are pose a threat to the stability of the indus- is an area where we've identified aimproving, and the plant is fantastic. try's supply chain, especially with thesustained growth trajectory, he says. In regions like Montana, where growing interest in marine-derived prod- canola isn't traditionally grown, ucts from both consumers and the rapidlyThat's one of the reasons whywe integrate it into the rotation, expanding aquaculture sector. the product was brought to theimproving the overall rotation The first significant setback occurredmarketplace. We are now helping tohealth, he says. on June 2, when the Peruvian governmentsustain that industry, allowing it to approved a 1.09 million metric ton an- grow beyond previous limitations.It's a unique approach that leverages chovy quota for the initial seasona 60%This trait Nuseed has developedtraditional assets in a market that, reduction from the 2.792 million metricfor its Omega-3 Canola bringswhile looking like a commodity tons allocated in 2022. Scientific surveylong-chain fatty acids, includingmarket, is anything but. It not only fishing conducted in May revealed that thethe crucial omega-3 DHA for brainbenefits fish health but also human condition of the anchovy population wasfunction and health, into a land- health.42/ SEEDWORLD.COMSEPTEMBER 2024"