b'FROM OUR DESKSalute to the Management Mavericks of North Americas Seed IndustryTHE LEADERSHIP LANDSCAPEin the seed indus- driving force behind Seed World Group. Shawns deep try demands resilience, creativity and a strong com- connections within the industry, coupled with his out-mitment to our values. A few months ago, we askedof-the-box thinking, have made him a true leader in our you to nominate leaders who embody those qualities.field.In this issue, we are unveiling the seed industrys TopShawns leadership constantly reminds me that being 15 Management Mavericks of North America. Thesea maverick is not about going it alone; its about bringing exceptional leaders have the qualities that define trueothers along on the journey. Its about fostering a sense mavericks: visionary thinking, bold action and also anof community and shared purpose, where every team unrelenting drive to push the possibility boundaries. member feels valued and inspired. BY AIMEE NIELSON When I think of a maverick in leadership, I envision Editor, Seed World U.S. someone who doesnt just follow the path but one who creates new ones. Mavericks are trailblazers who challenge the status quo, inspire innovation and foster an environment where creativity can flourish. They possess a unique blend of qualities that set them apart,One of the most critical qualities of a maverick making them not just leaders, but pioneers in their fields. is the ability to think outside the box. Mavericks One of the most critical qualities of a maverick isare see opportunities where others see the ability to think outside the box. Mavericks are those who see opportunities where others see obstacles.obstacles.They are the ones who dare to ask, What if? and then go on to turn those hypothetical questions into new realities.Confidence is a hallmark of maverick leadership. Its the courage to stand by your convictions, even when they go against the grain. Its the ability to make tough decisions and take calculated risks, knowing thatCelebrating these 15 management mavericks, I feel failure is part of success. True confidence in leadershipinspired by their example. Embrace the qualities that inspires trust and loyalty. make them extraordinary leaders: their vision, confi-People-first leadership is at the core of every single- dence, creativity and people-first approach. In doing mavericks approach. By investing in their growth, well- so, we can continue to drive innovation, foster growth being and development, mavericks create a culture ofand shape the future of the seed industry.empowerment and collaboration. They understandTo everyone out there striving to make a difference, that their organizations success is intrinsically linked toremember that being a maverick means daring to be the success of each team member. different. It means leading with courage, compassion Even though we couldnt nominate our own, I mustand conviction. Never settle for anything less than recognize Shawn Brook, our Seed World president,excellence. Heres to the mavericks among usmay we who exemplifies these maverick qualities in his leader- all aspire to lead with their spirit and determination.ship. Shawn is a pro at putting people first. His confi- Its an honor to partner with you,dence and willingness to challenge the norm are theAimeeSW4/ SEEDWORLD.COMSEPTEMBER 2024'