b'Whats it Going to Take for LatAm to Find its Place in the Global Seed Sector? THE SEED INDUSTRYis currently facing a series ofduce seeds more efficiently, safely and sustainably. significant challenges, with climate change being oneEliminating ideologies and politics is vital to operate of the main elements defining the future of the sector.safely and without unnecessary bureaucracy acting as We are also being reshaped by globalization: whereastrade barriers. Active collaboration of all kinds of stake-each countrys seed sector used to work mostlyholders with the regulatory sector is crucial to influence within its own borders, the shipping of seed acrosspolicies and ensure their relevance.international bordersespecially due to the grow- 2. Understanding and knowing how to interpreting importance of contra-season productionis nowregulations: Regulations define and shape the course big business. As a sector, as seed associations and asof the industry. A key priority across the seed sector individual companies, we need to interpret the manyand especially for seed associations is disseminating BY: DIEGO RISSOchanges ahead as opportunities. this information, as well as assisting in its interpretation.Executive DirectorSome of our international trading partners seem3. Active participation: Companies should beURUPOV and SAAto imagine Latin America as politically and/or tech- involved in regulatory discussions through associations Uruguayan Plantnologically behind. North America and Europe oftenand technical groups. Cross-country collaboration with Breeders Association seem to want to dominate or influence regulations andregulatory sectors is crucial to influence policies and practices, without necessarily understanding the localensure their relevance.realities in Latin America. In fact, agriculture in coun- 4. Adapting to a dynamic Industry: The ongoingThis istries such as Brazil, Chile, Uruguay and Argentina ischallenge is the interaction between private parties very high tech today. Thanks to globalization, access toand regulators to update regulations, ensure that they particularlyadvanced technologies has been facilitated and todaydont become obsolete and allow for growth and inno-importantthe differences between North and South America arevation in the sector.smaller. As someone who works with countries rightI want to stress the importance of cooperation in from countriesacross the Americas, from Canada in the North to Chilethe seed industry. No one company can develop all the in the South, I experience and appreciate how muchnecessary technologies and seed on its own; no one providingunique value each countrys seed sector delivers to thecountrys seed industry can fully function without con-contra-seasonglobal seed industry. We need to celebrate the per- nection to and collaboration with others. spectives and value each country delivers. The future of the seed industry in Latin America services, suchMany South American countries have positionedis full of challenges and opportunities but requires a as Argentina,themselves strongly as developers of new technolo- thorough understanding of science-based regula-gies. However, international cooperation to producetions and the active participation of its stakeholders. Chile, Uruguayand develop new technologies continuously is funda- Cooperation between companies and investment in and Peru,mental. This is particularly important from countriesnew technologies will be essential for the industry providing contra-season services, such as Argentina,to not only survive, but to thrive in an increasingly which haveChile, Uruguay and Peru, which have become key part- demanding global environment.SWners for Canada and the United States. Because of the become keyclose contra-season partnerships, it is key to integrateEditors Note: The 9th Seed Congress of the Americas partners forthe private, public and regulatory systems of Northconference is coming up in Buenos Aires, Argentina, America, Central and South America. Sept. 30 - Oct 2. The Congress is something that every Canada andTo streamline the production of new genetics andNorth American company should consider attending: the Unitedtechnologies in the seed industry, we need to navigateits arguably the single best opportunity to collaborate the diversity of regulations and practices around theon strategy, build partnerships and develop the trading States. Americas and around the world. This navigation requires: relationships to drive LatAms seed businessand your 1. Science-based regulations:Regulators must ownforward. Register using Seed Worlds special enable technologies that allow farmers to pro- promo code (SWL-SAA) to get 10% off registration. 48/ SEEDWORLD.COMSEPTEMBER 2024'